Demon blood problems could literally be the death of sam and Sammy

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Dean Sammy wake up Sammy

Sammy wakes up not in her and Sammy room

Dean hey hey calm down your at Jody's

Sammy looks for Bucky

Dean hey listen I'm gonna catch you up
Sam somehow got some demon blood and he's hook again hes down in the separation room thing that Bobby built ok Bobby staying with him I'm about to go there but we found you on the floor bleeding we don't think Sam did it so your staying with Jody and your gonna be mom to Alex and Claire ok

Sammy where's Bucky

Dean Bucky is at the house she was knock out cold and I just left her at the house and took you to Jody's jody said she could fix your hand

Sammy ok

Dean be strong ok Sam gonna be ok Bucky's gonna be ok your gonna be ok and I'm gonna be ok

Sammy watches Dean walk out the door

Jody walks in

Sammy curled up knees to her chest

Jody walks over to Sammy

Jody it's gonna be ok here Dean left this for you

Jody puts something down for Sammy

Sammy looks at it

As she picks it up she realizes what it is

Jody I don't know what it is but he said you couldn't go anywhere without it

Samy filping through the book and things Dean left for her

Jody oh and here's your hunting bag I had to clean it it had blood on it

Sammy smiles thanks

A couple hours go by and the kids get up

Claire hey Sammy

Sammy hey Claire

Alex how do you know each other

Sammy looks up from her hunting book we were on the streets together I rasie her

Alex fun

Sammy something like that

Claire like you don't miss it

Sammy sometimes I do

Claire well got anything

Sammy no just old books about everything

Claire wait really

Claire sits besides Sammy and they look at the books

Sammy phone rings

Sammy thats Sam ringtone
Sammy takes it leaving the book to Claire

Sammy walks outside

Sammy babe

Sam babe

Sammy are you ok

Sam no

Sammy Ruby

Sam yeah she came by after you fell asleep

Sammy well Dean won't let me near you so I cant do anything

Sam you know I've tried saying I'm off it and it's not working

Sammy I know

Sam have you heard from Bucky

Sammy nope she probably still sleeping

Sam probably you should go there and get her

Sammy I would love to but it's up to her my truck is at the house

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