The next day

18 1 7

Sam and Sammy  get up and make food

Sam morning sleepy heads

Bucky morning Sammy

Sammy morning

Bucky goes outside to look at the snow

Dean gets coffee and beings it outside

Dean  morning princess

Bucky  morning

Dean did It snow more last night

Bucky I think it did

They go back in

Sam and cat naturally dancing in the kitchen

Dean aw

Bucky aw

Sam hell the food

Sammy son of a bitch

Dean who wants to go to the Halloween store

Bucky you got my Sammy attention

Dean for real I've never seen her look up that quick

Sam we have to go

Dean ok will go

Bucky let me get something

Sammy hurry

Sam you might want to get your phone from the room

Sammy yes I should

The drive to the Halloween store

Dean playing his music

Sammy and Bucky jamming to carry my wayard son

Dean  Sam those two keepers

Sam hell yeah they are

Bucky laughing at Dean for scaring Sam and Sammy with a killer clown mask

Sammy I'm gonna kill your ass

Sammy runs behind Bucky

Dean dream killer

Bucky go get lost in the store .I want to see how long it takes the boys to find you

Sammy on it

Sammy wonders off and in 15 minutes. Sam comes up to her

Sam hey Bucky

Bucky hey Sam

Sam have you seen my everything

Bucky about ten minutes ago

Sam dammit she small she literally could be anywhere

Dean what's wrong

Sam I lost my baby

Dean that's your problem

Sam I can call her

Dean the music is  louder then hell  you think you will hear her ringtone

Sam worth a shot

Sam trys to call Sammy

He realized that he has her phone

Dean and Bucky are trying so hard not to laugh

Sam y'all know where she is don't you

Dean no but incase you forgot  I'm dating he best friend who always knows where she is

Sam looks at Bucky

Bucky do you think I know where I am because I don't so no I don't know where she is  but I have a clue  where she might be

Sam where

Bucky incase you forgot she is in love with MCR and panic and nightmare before Christmas those parts of the store or over there

Sam takes off to find Sammy

Sam jumps down from the shelf

Bucky the hell you come from

Sammy up there

Dean fallen angel who

Bucky go tell your brother she is here

Sammy what up babe

Sam there you are

Sammy  I was at the panic stuff

Sam oh ok let's go to the store next to this

Bucky you mean hot topic

Sammy where

Dean why is your hand bleeding

Bucky Sammy why is it bleeding

Sammy looking down and her bleeding hand

Sam how do you hurt yourself everywhere we go

Sammy I don't know

Bucky dammit Sammy you lucky I have my first aid kit on me

Sammy  since when do  you have a first aid kit ?

Bucky since when do you hurt yourself

Sammy  I'm gonna shut up

Sam you should  as he fixes her hand on baby hood

Sammy ow  bitch

Bucky did it need  stitches

Sam yeah

Bucky what did you do

Sammy oh my God it's probably when I jump off our porch to save you from dean

Bucky laughs probably

Dean or porch is like 7 feet your like 5 feet

Sammy owe

Sam I'm sorry

Bucky I'll meet y'all in hot topic

Sam your done go me and Dean are gonna chill here  as he jumps on baby hood

Dean jumping on it next

Sammy run to catch up to Bucky

Sammy race you in

Bucky bitch wait

They go in to hot topic

Person at front desk Welcome

Bucky Sammy speak

Sammy hi

Bucky that's all you could say

Sammy social anxiety

Bucky ok

They come out  of hot topic

Sam and Dean what y'all get

Bucky MCR dress

Sam is that what you got

Sammy nope I got panic dress

They go home and Bucky and Dean go to cuddle and so dose Sam and Sammy

Bucky birthday is in 18 days y'all
Go show her some love

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