If 9/11 took place in this book

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I have put this part two 9/11 today when im writing this it is 19 years since 9/11 .
Rip to those people who lost family I'm sorry this is not to make fun of what went down but I can't get this from my mind so I'm writing about it also this part
Is from Sammy's pov

It was a normal day with the winchesters
It was almost my birthday as I ran
Down the stairs I was telling Bucky to come down stairs breakfast was ready

I sit down at my laptop I see this thing breaking news new York two air crafts hijacked taking down the new trade

Me son of a bitch
As a hunter I think possession demons ghost something like that not human beings I lean back in my chair shocked here it is 6 days till my birthday and I was not expecting this to happen

Sam comes over what you fine

He reads it reads the head line

He reads it  reads the head line

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He calls Dean over

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He calls Dean over

Dean looks at the pictures

Bucky comes down and naturally looks at us

We're watching live footage of these aircrafts

I go in and grab the boys father's journel to see if he went up against anything like this

Me Nothing

Sam for someone who hates the guy you look in that alot

Me yeah

I run to my room

Bucky not far behind me

Bucky Sammy wait

Me I turn back around to see her I walk into my room and go to my hunting corner

Sitting at the window looking flipping through books one after another from great hunters

Me nothing God damnit. Nothing

Me crossing off my list of things that can do this

Bucky sitting on my bed looking for phone numbers for hunters

The boys come in ..

Dean well there a step ahead of us

I look up at this dumbass who knows my weakness is curiosity

Sam shut up anything girls

Me and Buckyyyyy nope

Sam looking at my white board

Sam God your a good hunter

Sammy gets a call from the lead of the demon angels

Sammy I'll be back

Sam ok

Bucky ok

Dean what

Sammy goes up there to there heaven

The lead person thanks for coming

Sammy do we know who this was

Lead yes it's humans

I've never stop that dead in my tracks That hard and that fast

Lead come on .

Answer get to a. Cloud we can see the trade center and the south and north towers on fire

I breathe and hear the people just sitting there and. Watching this happen

I get a call from Bucky

Lead take that

Me yeah

Bucky where are you

Me my haven why what's wrong

Bucky it's not things its

I cut off Bucky humens

Bucky exactly

Sammy then there's nothing we can do

Bucky ok

Sammy keep a eye out on the house

Bucky why

Sammy can't talk gonna save life's

As she dives down

Sammy quen quen quen Loki I swear to God if your not ok

Sammy locks eyes with Loki

She stops beside her

Loki how you get here so fast

Me demon angel wings are amazing let's go .

As I drag her behind me we see the dust cloud behind us everything in it

I grab her and take off

Loki what the hell

Me I don't know

We land safely at the house

Bucky and Loki hug

Goes back to her heaven to answer more calls

Sammy hard work

Lead person it will be worth it

Sammy ok

Sammy witnesses the both of the tower falling

She goes home

Sam there you are as he picks her up

Me hi

They all go to bed

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