Im fine

4 0 0

Sammy was still coughing blood from the hunt last night

Sam finally tells her to go get check out from the doctor of demon angels

Sammy goes up

Sammy tells the doctor what happened

The doctor ( Hint Remember what he says )
The doctor when the demon angel knock you out and threw you in a wall the wall had a piece of metal and it basically went through your throat

Sammy what you want to use words

Doctor your gonna. Cough blood until that metal comes out of your throat

Sammy great what I need

Sammy how fast can we get it out

Doctor we can't because your a demon angel and have very bad breathing we can't put you under

Sammy so it's up to me

Doctor no it's up to your body

Sammy great Can this kill me again

Doctor can't kill you again but it can make you pass out so no hunts

Sammy I'm sorry you realize what you told a hunter just now right

Doctor yes I do you may go now

Sammy great And walks out

Doctor no hunts or you get put up here

Sammy goes back home

Sam baby you have been out all day what did they say

Sammy there's a piece of metal in my throat

Dean gif

Sammy that's what I said

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Sammy that's what I said

Dean from what ...

Sammy when I got not out from the hunt yesterday

Bucky ok that makes more sense

Sammy where did you come from

Bucky looks up the stairs there (confused face )

Sammy goes up the stairs

Sammy fuck

Bucky you ok Sammy trying not to laugh

Sammy no baby BABY.

Sam from down stairs what

Sammy Because I have a fracture ankle can you throw me my phone

Sam yeah sure

Dean this should be good

Sam you have to catch it

Sammy yeah yeah

Sam throws Sammy her phone

Sammy son of a bitch jumps the railing

Dean you crazy son of a bitch

Sam trys to catch her quen comes out of her room

Quen shit mother

Sammy quen out of everyone besides Bucky you are my favorite humen being alive right now

Quen may I ask

Sammy I was saving my phone

Quen what is wrong with this family

Sammy I don't know but you can put me down now

Sammy I don't know  but you can put me down now

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What Quen and Sammy look like

Quen yeah ok

Sammy I said put me down not drop me

Quen I'm gonna go back to my room

Sammy yeah ok still on the ground

Bucky still laughing upstairs

Sammy boys can you help

Dean no wait you only have one ankle

Sam and Dean walk over to help Sammy up

Sam Dean don't drop her

Sammy wouldn't be the first time

Bucky looking over the railing

Sammy Bucky I swear if you laugh one more time I will hop my way up there and hurt you

Sam with whst when. I have your knife

Sammy you forget I'm a demon angel and pulls her knife to her

Sam dream killer

Dean ha that's what I've called her since we met her

Sammy shut it getting over him guy

Dean bitch faces Sammy

Sam I'm sorry what

Bucky I'm still dyeing I forgot what she said

Dean nothing Sam

Sammy Damm it's three in the morning

Dean see Sam take Sammy to bed

Sam honestly we all need to go to bed

Bucky Dean I'll meet you in the room

Sam and Sammy go to bed

Sam turns over to Sammy

Sammy yeah baby

Sam what was the name about

Sammy I call all of y'all names whitch one and witch person

Sam Dean and getting over him guy

Sammy babe its nothing it was when I first move in and getting over my abuse ex

Sam oh ok kisses Sammy goodnight

Bucky turns over to Dean who is playing on his phone

Dean yeah babe

Bucky what was Sammy talking about

Dean oh the getting over him guy

Bucky yeah

Dean when Sammy move-in with us we found her getting abuse by her abuse ex and then they're broke up and we joke and might have slept one night together and we said I was her getting over him guy I was her first call last call no falling just her getting over him guy

Bucky oh ok love you

Dean love you too kisses Bucky

Sammy thoughts
My first call my last call no falling just my getting my getting over him guy

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