I love you you know that right

10 1 4

Sam wakes up to Sammy upset

Sam. Babe what's wrong

Sammy it's just. A dream

Sam sits up and wraps his flannel around her

As  he lays back down
Sam fell back asleep

Sammy gets up  to  check on Bucky and Dean because Anxiety is a pain in the ass

Sammy opens there door slowly not to wake them

As she sees dean arm wrap around Bucky not letting her go for the world

Sammy shuts the door and sees a Sam behind her

Sam picks her up and lays her in the bed

Sam your. Not ok

Sammy took you long enough

Sam lays down behind her and wraps a flannel around her

Sammy falls back asleep and so dose Sam

Bucky wakes up to Dean and Sam making food

Bucky where's Sammy

Sam she had a rough night Bucky she will be up in. A. Little bit later

Bucky it's about my death isn't it

Dean baby don't blame yourself for her

Bucky ok

Bucky goes to check on Sammy

Bucky opens the door to see Sammy curled up in a ball in Sam flannel

She shuts the door and walks back in to the living room

dean here she will be fine have some food And water

Bucky thanks babe

A couple hours later Sammy gets up

Sam morning baby

Sammy morning move want to sit with you

Sam damm ok

Sammy sits with Sam and. Bucky sits with dean

They have a lazy day and then Bucky and dean go play and dance in the snow so dose Sam and Sammy

They all come on get some hot coco and then go to bed

Yes I'm aware this is not 600 words it's actually like 355 words I'm exhausted and can't think this probably makes 0 sense but hey no one can say I didn't try

Still Bucky birthday is in 17 days because for me it's the next day it's 1:27 am here so it's the next day whatever love you lovely people and good night and good morning for the people who are reading this the next day

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