Dean the light behind your eyes

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Dean babe let's go to bed

Bucky ok fine. Goodnight y'all

Everyone good night Bucky

Dean turns on MCR

Bucky of course the light behind your eyes comes on first

Dean haha

They cuddle and Bucky falls asleep

Dean do the let them take the light behind your eyes baby

Dean hearing them talking down stairs

Sam it's good to have you back

Sammy why was she a mess

Sam a little bit

Sammy I knew she would be

Sam y'all know each other so well

Sammy we really do ..

Sam makes sense that your her cas

Sammy yeah

Sammy let's go to bed

Sam ok

As Sammy lays there In Sam arms

Sammy god dammit why can't I sleep

Sammy dose what she has done for years she checks on Bucky

She opens the door to see Bucky content in Dean's arms like she has been since the day they got together

Sammy's thought

None of this is my fault I wasn't paying attention how. I was protecting Sam but I was never protecting my self

She went to sit at the kitchen bar drinks some water and play on her phone

Sammy's thought

I can't put all of this on Bucky or Dean or sam

Sammy they have there own mental health to worrying about

Sitting there trying to think of what to do she couldn't decide so she went for a walk

She knew she had to be back before Bucky's alarm went off

Sammy it usually goes off around 8-9 so that gives me about three hours to wonder the city and get my fucking act together

The master of demon angel appears next to Sammy

Master are you ok my child

Sammy nope

Master what's wrong

Sammy my mental health state and my death

Master you have what a lot of my demon angels have my child you blame Everything that has happened on you when you can't really control that

Sammy sitting on the bench her knees to her chest

Master Bucky's alarm will be going off in a couple minutes you could go there or you can come with me and watch her from our haven

Sammy goes with him

Sammy watching Bucky get ready

Bucky oh I should check on Sammy

Sammy watches her walk in to her and Sam room

Bucky. Sam

Sam rolls yeah

Bucky your baby is gone

Sam sits up what

Bucky son of a bitch

Bucky goes into the kitchen

Sees the note Sammy left

Sammys note

I promise I. Will be back so just breathe I'm fine can't really do anything I'm dead but I'll be up in demon. Angel Haven if you need me

Bucky son of a bitch

Sam what

Bucky she went to her heaven

Sam mental health is getting her down like crazy

Bucky I have to get to work call me if she isn't home by the time I'm getting off

Sam ok

Dean what's going on

Sam long story short Sammy is in demon angel Haven because of her mental health got her down and she didn't want to come to us

Dean damm

A couple hours later

Master comes in

Sammy sound asleep

Master fare well my child sleep well you have a person to protect

When Sammy wakes up she is in Sam's arms and Bucky and Dean are making food

She gets up

Bucky aww your back

Sammy yep couldn't leave you forever

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