Sammy looses her voice

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Sammy still being sick when they go to bed

Bucky Sammy Sammy Sammy

Sammy looks at her best friend or what she could see she knew it was still dark she knew she hadn't slept so she gets up with Bucky like she has done since they moved in together

Sammy barely was able to speak what Bucky

Bucky girl your literally worst Everytime I talk to you are you sure we don't need to get boys to take you to the er

Sammy no I'm fine .

Sam gets up

Sammy goes to get water

Sam looks confused of why there both up at three in the morning that's not like them well wasn't like them with the boys around

Bucky tells Sam that's she lost her voice

Sammy looks at both of them

Sam she dose look worse from when we went to bed

Sammy can't not but Damm she gonna try
Sammy guys I'm fine

Sam we can't hear you babe

Sammy dammit looks around and graps some paper

Sammy writes down I'm fine

Bucky. Your not please in the morning let us take you to the doctor your not fine

Sammy shakes her head and walks back to her and Sam room

Sam and Bucky's talk

Sam ok is it just me or just she seem fucking miserable like sick miserable

Bucky your not wrong I woke her up because I couldn't stop laying there thinking of how bad she felt when we all went to bed

Sam she not gonna let us take her

Bucky I know she always been stubborn

Sam anit that the truth

Buckyy I guess we should go to bed

Sam yeah go check on her

Bucky go back in her room and crawls back under Dean's arms

Sam checks Sammy temp why she was still

Sam great 99.1

Sam babe let us help you tomorrow morning

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