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Thunder roared overhead, the black sky turned white with lightning. Torrential rain crashed into the cavern roof. Inside, three cats took shelter from the violent storm. A pale brown tom covered his loved ones, his mate and only daughter. His daughter trembled, terrified from the storm that raged. He hadn't seen a storm like this in years, he was suddenly grateful for his mate's choice of home. They were sheltered safely in the mountains, guarded by walls of stone.

"Tumbleweed." The she-cat muttered, her golden eyes were wide. "I hear them."

Not this again. Tumbleweed, resting his tail on his mate's shoulders. "Star, you can't go out there. Stay inside, wait it out."

"I can't." She whispered, Star's entire body trembled. "They're so loud, Tumbleweed. The stars are calling me."

"Star, do not leave this den." He said sternly. He looked at his daughter Sheer Mountain, she was huddling close to him. "She needs us right now."

"Stay with her." Star leapt to her paws and sprinted out into the storm.

"Star!" Tumbleweed shouted after his mate. He looked at Sheer Mountain she lifted her head, eyes filled with fear. "Star, come back!"

"Wh-where did she go?" Sheer Mountain squeaked from beside him. I have to go get her.

"Your mother is hearing her voices again." Tumbleweed sighed, he stood up. "Sheer Mountain, I'm going to bring her back inside. You stay here, don't leave you understand?"

Sheer Mountain nodded shakily. Tumbleweed picked up a bundle of moss and covered Sheer Mountain with it. "You'll be safe in here, I promise." He touched his muzzle to her forehead and braced himself, running out into the storm. It was like running into a solid wall of water. It crashed into his pelt, soaking him instantly. The water ran down the mountainside, akin to a river.

Tumbleweed knew exactly where Star went, an empty area above their camp that overlooked the world below. Tumbleweed sprinted across the cavern, veering to the side when he reached the path up to the overlook. Sure enough, Star was standing at the edge, her head tilted towards the sky.

"Star!" He cried out. "Come inside!"

"I can't." She said, her voice barely audible through the crashing rain. Tumbleweed flinched as another bolt of lightning lit up the sky. "I wish you could hear them, Tumbleweed. They're so beautiful. They're calling me, louder than ever." Tumbleweed's claws scraped the stone. He was usually able to handle Star's madness, but she was going to get herself hurt or worse.

His mate believed that there were cats in the stars who tried speaking with her. She talking about the stars as if they were living, breathing, cats she had in the entire time that Tumbleweed knew her. Tumbleweed had fell in love with her curiosity and full heart, even her love for the stars but deep down, Tumbleweed knew that she was mad.

"Star, I'm begging you." He moved closer to her. "Come back inside. The stars can wait. Sheer Mountain needs her mother right now."

"Sheer Mountain." Star breathed out their daughter's name. "The stars told me about her, she has such an amazing destiny ahead of her. I wish I could see it. She'll do great things, you know."

"Star." Tumbleweed's voice trembled. "Tell her about it, come inside."

"I can't." She sat down. "Not yet."

"You're going to get sick." Tumbleweed was trying his best to reason with her, but that was near impossible when she was like this. "Then you'll get Sheer Mountain sick. Please, listen to me."

"You go to her." Star said, still not pulling her attention from the stars. "I will join you again when I am ready. When she's ready."

"What does that mean?" Unease pricked up Tumbleweed's spine.

Star moved, she rose to her paws.. "They're telling me I have a place in the stars. They're waiting for me."

Tumbleweed hated the way she was speaking. I have to put a stop to this. "Star you're talking nonsense. Come in, now."

Star looked over her shoulder, golden eyes glowing as more lightning struck. "Tell Sheer Mountain I will be waiting for her. She'll do amazing things." Tumbleweed heard a crack, his eyes darted down to Star's paws where the stone was starting to crack.

"Star! Get back! The cliff!"

It was too late, the stone splintered and broke off. In an instant, Star was no longer there. She didn't cry out, she didn't make a single noise. Tumbleweed raced to the cliff edge, skidding to a stop. He locked eyes with Star as she fell. Her body hit the harsh, unforgiving stone below, and she didn't get up.

Tumbleweed was frozen solid, unable to take his eyes off Star's body. He could feel his heart shattering inside his chest. No. His mouth was agape and his body shook. This isn't happening.

Another crack of thunder broke Tumbleweed out of his trance. He jumped back and stumbled backwards. No. No. He suddenly remembred Sheer Mountain, cowering from the storm. What am I going to tell her? Tumbleweed slowly rose to his paws. He couldn't stay out here, Sheer Mountain needed him.

Feeling as if his paws were made of stone, Tumbleweed turned around and slowly walked back to their cavern. He approached the den and saw Sheer Mountain still hiding. Her eyes opened when Tumbleweed approached, his shattered heart fell apart even more. She has her mother's eyes.

Tumbleweed quickly realized that he would never see Star again, he would never hear her voice, smell her scent or sleep beside her. She would never get to see Sheer Mountain grow up. Tell Sheer Mountain I will be waiting for her. She'll do amazing things. Tumbleweed shook his pelt and stepped inside.

"Where's my mother?" Sheer Mountain questioned, her voice trembling.

Tumbleweed walked in, curling up next to her. "Your mother--" His voice cracked. "She won't be coming back, Sheer Mountain. I'm so sorry."

"What do you mean?" She whimpered. "Where did she go."

"The stars." Tumbleweed rested his muzzle on her forehead. "She went to the stars. Like she always dreamed of."

Waging War Book 2: Gray Skies {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now