Chapter 3

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The gentle sound of wind rustled the leaves of the forest. The breeze carried the scent of prey through the large oak trees of SunClan territory. Hiding in the trees, tracking down prey was the dappled black, brown, cream and ginger pelt of SunClan apprentice Blossompaw. She kept her body low to the ground but her muzzle high, sniffing the chilly breeze for any signs of prey.

She caught the scent of squirrel on the air and breathed it in. Found some. Blossompaw dropped into a crouch, creeping through the SunClan forest and tracking her prey. She padded along the forest floor, making sure to keep her tail low. Her ears twitched at every little sound, keeping her eyes peeled for her prey.

At long last, Blossompaw spotted her prey. A plump red squirrel, creating a small pile of seeds, getting ready for the cold season to arrive. Leaf-bare won't arrive for you little friend. Blossompaw thought, breathing in the squirrel's scent once more. Her tail tip twitched and she readied herself to pounce.

She flattened her ears and wiggled her haunches before giving a strong leap. Her paws fell just short of the squirrel and she kicked up a flurry of grass and leaves, the squirrel turned tail and quick as lightning, darted up into the closest oak tree and out of view. "Fox dung!" Blossompaw swore, lashing her tail. Such a rookie mistake! She scolded herself. I should've gotten closer.

"That's unfortunate." Blossompaw heard the voice of her mentor, Mudfall, and watched the dark brown tom step out of the trees and into view. "Don't beat yourself up too hard, Blossompaw."

"I should've caught that." Blossompaw shook her head. "I'm better than this."

"You've only been an apprentice for two moons, Blossompaw." Mudfall replied. "You still have much to learn, there will still be many mistakes for you to make and for you to learn from." Blossompaw just flattened her ears and sighed. "Come on," Mudfall touched his tail to her pelt. "Let's gather the rest of your catch and head back to camp."

"Okay." Blossompaw wanted to make up for her failure, not return to camp, but she listened to her mentor. They gathered up her other three pieces of prey and reached the SunClan camp.

It was just past sunhigh so the cats of SunClan were busy. Blossompaw spotted Cinderflame surrounded by several SunClan cats as she gave patrol and hunting orders. Dawnstar stood close by, it looked like she was preparing to leave for patrol with Adderstrike, Flashtail, Petalbreeze, Brackenpelt and Yarrowtail. All four elders were out enjoying the cool air and chatting over some prey.

Blossompaw dropped her prey on the fresh-kill pile and turned to her mentor, waiting for her next task. "Why don't you take some prey to the queens."

Blossompaw narrowed her eyes. "Isn't Dovepool your mate? Shouldn't you be taking her fresh-kill?"

"I'm not an apprentice and I have a hunting patrol to go on." Mudfall scolded. "Do what I tell you." He walked away, twitching his tail sharply. Wow. Blossompaw thought. What's his problem? Mudfall was a fairly level headed cat but he seemed genuinely upset that she told him to take his mate fresh-kill.

I wonder what's going on with him. Blossompaw didn't think it was her place to say anything, she just grabbed four pieces of prey and headed to the nursery where the queens were. She was a little surprised to not see Heatherflight in the nursery. Though she wasn't nursing any kits, the mental trauma of giving birth to two dead kits had kept Heatherflight in the nursery ever since.

Maybe she's finally recovering. Blossompaw thought hopefully as she stepped inside the nursery. "Hello, Blossompaw." Dovepool greeted with a purr as Blossompaw set the prey down. "Bringing us some prey?"

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