Chapter 5

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"I told you, I'm not hungry, Sheer Mountain." Tumbleweed grumbled.

"You keep saying that." Sheer Mountain lashed her tail. "When was the last time you ate?"

"Last night." Tumbleweed yawned.

"Half a mouse doesn't count." Sheer Mountain ducked her head. "I saw your scraps."

"What do you want me to say, Sheer Mountain?" Tumbleweed glared at his daughter. "I don't have much of an appetite lately."

Sheer Mountain sighed. "I'm worried about you, you've always had a big appetite." She looked over her father. His pelt wasn't as shiny as it usually was and he seemed to be losing weight. "You've also been coughing a lot lately."
"I've just got a small cold." Tumbleweed said with a cough. "I've fought off many illnesses in my days, Sheer Mountain."

Sheer Mountain's fears only grew. "Then get some rest and try and eat soon, please."

"Sure thing, Pebble."

Sheer Mountain flattened her ears. He hasn't called me "Pebble" since I was kit. What's going on with him? Tumbleweed turned away and walked slowly towards their cavern, coughing the whole way. It had been four days since the storm and their weird conversation which Sheer Mountain still didn't really understand. I need another opinion. Sheer Mountain padded swiftly towards the Clan cat's cavern where Owlpaw was resting.

"Hey, Owlpaw?" Sheer Mountain called to her. She lifted her head and rose to her paws, approaching Sheer Mountain curiously.

"What do you need?" Owlpaw questioned, Sheer Mountain tried to guess if Owlpaw thought she was giving her an answer.

"I'm worried about my father." Sheer Mountain explained. "He's not eating, he's had a cough, he's losing weight and he's been acting weird. He's been talking about weird things and calling me old nicknames."

Owlpaw blinked and tilted her head. "Any other symptoms? Are his eyes and nose streaming?"

Sheer Mountain shook her head. "No, it may be nothing and I've seen him sick before but something just feels...wrong."

"It's worth checking out." Owlpaw mewed. "I'm gonna go ask him some questions," She replied. "He may be more willing to open up to me."

"I don't know." Sheer Mountain felt uneasy. "He's never been a really open cat. He tends to keep to himself. The only cat he would ever open up to was my mother."

"I'm not going to press him for questions, I just want to see if he'll tell me any more symptoms." Owlpaw padded out of the cave with Sheer Mountain following. She headed towards the cave where Tumbleweed was and Sheer Mountain sat down outside, waiting impatient for Owlpaw to come back out.

After a few long moments, Owlpaw stepped back out into the main cavern, Sheer Mountain rose to her paws and faced the Clan cat. "So?"

"He didn't want to tell me much, and he knew that you asked me to go talk to him. He did cough quite a bit, and his voice sounds really dry. I don't think he has whitecough, but I do want to treat him."

"What can I do to help?" Sheer Mountain asked urgently, wanting to do anything she could to help.

"You could help me gather some herbs." Owlpaw suggested. "I have plenty of tansy here, but since I also take it we'll want more. If possible, I'd also like to get some catmint just in case."

"Where do you find catmint?" Sheer Mountain questioned.

"Twolegplace." Owlpaw replied. "It usually grows in twoleg gardens."

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