Chapter 17

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"The next move you're going to learn is something we commonly teach in AshClan." Leafdawn explained, looking over the group of cats. "AshClan cats fight fiercely and without hesitation." She looked to Slatepaw who faced his mentor. "When you feel as if you've been backed into a corner and there's no way to run then you must fight." Slatepaw backed up against the nearby stone wall and ducked his head. "This is when you can become the most dangerous."

Leafdawn faced her apprentice, lashing her tail. "Your opponent can become vulnerable during this time, because they think that they've won. When they're about to deliver the final blow to take you down, you strike forward with the speed of an adder. You can either strike their face or deliver a blow to the throat. Remember, you're not trying to kill your opponent. If you retract your claws and deliver a powerful blow to their neck, you can completely wind them and make it back to your Clan or somewhere safe."

Leafdawn hissed and backed Slatepaw up against the wall, Sheer Mountain watched as Slatepaw pressed his backside against the stone. At first it looked like Slatepaw was cowering, but Sheer Mountain could see that he was actually preparing to strike. He shot forward at blinding speed, his paw tapping Leafdawn's throat and causing her to stumble backwards.

Slatepaw quickly skirted around the edge of Leafdawn and got away from her, back to the other cats. "It may seem easy," Leafdawn mewed. "But if you were actually risk of losing your life your might react differently. In the heat of battle you need to keep your mind clear and be aware of what's happening around you. Where are your enemies? Where are your exits? As you live in your territory for an extended amount of time you will eventually learn every nook and cranny it has to offer. Fighting in your own home is always the advantage."

Sheer Mountain listened eagerly, the day after the meeting, they had started training. They had broken the cats up into groups and had them learning with each Clan about different styles of fighting. Sheer Mountain thought herself to be a relatively skilled fighter, but the Clans had such complex and precise attacks, it was interesting to learn them all.

In order to keep training easier for each cat, the oldest cats were split into groups of four and would spend time training with a different Clan. The younger cats who would become apprentices which was, Melon, Mossie, Finch, Wren and Sparrow were all spending their time learning the ways of the warrior, they would receive their actual training when they were assigned mentors and Cocoa was getting trained by Owlpaw.

In Sheer Mountain's group she was paired with Turnip, Dew and Ant and their first day they had been with SunClan, but today they were with AshClan. Sheer Mountain had enjoyed learning all the moves, but was amazed that SunClan and AshClan had such wildly different fighting styles. Leafdawn had told them that AshClan cats never turn tail and run, but Earthpelt had taught them that sometimes you need to run in order to turn the fight in your favor.

"We'll have you try this move now." Leafdawn mewed, pulling Sheer Mountain out of her thoughts. "Sheer Mountain you'll be with Ant, and Trout you'll be with Dew. Try and replicate exactly what Slatepaw and I did."

Sheer Mountain looked to Ant. The small sized rouged didn't talk a lot, but Sheer Mountain had worked with him yesterday as well. He was a quick witted fighter, she would enjoy getting to know him. "Do you want to go first?"

"Sure." Ant replied and backed himself up against the wall. Sheer Mountain did her best to get in the fighting spirit, she flattened her ears and hissed sharply at Ant. Ant backed down and pressed against the wall, lowering his head and baring his teeth. In a flash, the black tom shot forward and Sheer Mountain felt his paw connect to her throat. She wasn't expecting such force and she fell backwards, coughing from the force.

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