Chapter 11

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"This is a very important day for those three." Hollystorm mewed. "It's their warrior assessment."

"Why is it such a big deal for us then?" Oakpaw questioned, twitching his ears.

"Because it is also an assessment for you." Burnclaw growled, glaring at his apprentice. "You will be judged just as harshly as the three of them so give it your best."

"Where are they anyway?" Rushpaw questioned.

"They'll be here shortly." Mudfall answered. "They're getting prepped by their mentors." A few short moments later, Falconheart, Flashtail and Larkthorn arrived with Bluepaw, Snowpaw and Windpaw trotting eagerly behind them.

"Welcome." Mudfall turned to face the newcomers and gave him a nod.

"Thanks." Falconheart waved his tail in return and the apprentices gathered up. "You will be hunting in teams of two." He began explaining. "We'll pair Blossompaw with Bluepaw, Rushpaw with Windpaw and Oakpaw with Snowpaw. The older apprentices will be taking the lead here. They need to learn how to lead and the rest of you need to learn how to follow orders."

Blossompaw listened intently, Oakpaw didn't seem too interested, but Blossompaw was incredibly excited to get started. She wanted to show off the hunting skills she had been practicing. Plus Bluepaw is super nice! I have no doubt we'll do a great job together! "Bluepaw and Blossompaw," Larkthorn spoke up. "The two of you will go hunting near the abandoned badger den. Snowpaw and Oakpaw will hunt near the Rockpile by the MoonClan border and Windpaw and Rushpaw will go near the gathering hollow border."

"We will come get you when your assessment is over." Flashtail added. "And we will be watching you the entire time." Blossompaw couldn't help but think Flashtail would struggle to stay hidden with his white pelt. "Now head out and do your best."

The apprentices went their separate ways and Blossompaw eagerly followed towards the AshClan border. "Keep your sense peeled for any prey." Bluepaw told her and Blossompaw raised her muzzle, breathing in the scent of the forest. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining overhead and the air was nice and cool. She knew that leaf-bare was on the way, but she would enjoy the weather while she could.

Blossompaw did her best to pick through the scents of the forest until she picked up the scent of mouse. "Mouse." She announced to Bluepaw and the blue-gray she-cat watched as she sniffed out the prey. Blossompaw lowered her body and crept through the forest, tracking her prey. Bluepaw followed close behind and Blossompaw finally spotted the creature, sitting on a root that twisted out of the ground.

We'll have to work together to catch this one. She turned to Bluepaw, keeping her voice low. "If one of us gets behind the mouse we can chase--" Blossompaw cut herself off, immediately remembering that Bluepaw was supposed to be taking charge of the hunt. "Sorry." Her ears dropped and she lowered her head.

Bluepaw let out a small laugh. "It's okay, but you're right." She mewed. "Why don't you go behind the mouse and chase it into me." Blossompaw nodded and slowly skirted around the tree, making sure to remain silent. I won't screw this up for Blossompaw. She vowed and reached the tree with the mouse on it. She crouched behind the tree and met Bluepaw's gaze as she crouched in the distance.

Blossompaw cleared her mind and charged forward, the mouse was quickly alarmed to her presence than broke into a swift sprint towards Bluepaw. The apprentice leapt out of the trees and caught the mouse with a quick, clean bite to the neck. "Good job." Bluepaw praised.

"You too." Bluepaw praised her. "Let's keep hunting." The two she-cats ventured deeper into the trees. Blossompaw kept behind Bluepaw, making sure that she was taking charge. They neared the badger den and Blossompaw caught the scent of squirrel, and she could tell by Bluepaw's body language that she sense it as well. Bluepaw waved Blossompaw to follow with her tail and Blossompaw lowered her body to the ground, following Bluepaw's lead.

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