Chapter 20

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Blossompaw twisted away from Mudfall's grasp, kicking up a flurry of leaves as she did so. She leapt back as Mudfall swiped at her muzzle, his paw just barely missing her nose. Blossompaw reared up on her hind legs. You have to be quick! She told herself and brought down her forepaw as quick as she could on Mudfall's head. The tom seemed dazed for a moment and Blossompaw stopped, looking at her mentor in fear. "Was that too hard?"

"Maybe a little." Mudfall replied, shaking his head. "But you nailed the move." He purred. It only took me all day. Blossompaw thought, twitching her tail. "You're making great strides, Blossompaw."

"Thanks." Blossompaw's body felt sore from the constant training but she felt as if she was getting at least a little better. That particular move had been challenging for her as she was always slow. You have to be quick since you're leaving yourself open for a belly rake. Mudfall's words echoed in her mind. "Can we try it again?" Blossompaw pleaded. "I want to make sure I can actually do it and that wasn't just a fluke."

"You're being too hard on yourself, Blossompaw." Mudfall told her, his voice lined with concern. "But yes, we can try it one more time. Afterwards we should head home, I want to see my kits before sunset."

"Alright." Blossompaw agreed and focused on the move. Mudfall shot froward to attack her, once again she twisted after from his grasp, this time even faster nad more graceful than the last. Without hesitation, Blossompaw reared up and instantly brought her paw down on Mudfall's head, this time taking note to be more gentle.

"Great job." Mudfall purred. "You've got this move down." Blossompaw did feel a little better about herself. I just wish it didn't take me so long. She scolded herself, but shook off the negative thought. "Now let's go home, I'm starting to get a headache." Blossompaw walked beside her mentor as they padded through SunClan territory.

Her body ached as well, she trained as much as she possibly could. She and Mudfall would have their usually training sessions with hunting and sometimes practice with the other apprentices, but afterwards Blossompaw and Mudfall would have private training sessions. On days when Mudfall told her to take a break and he would spend time with his kits, Blossompaw would go out on her own and practice the battle moves on invisible opponents.

It had left her exhausted, and she would usually sleep late so she was always tired but her skills were improving. Her entire body was sore as she padded alongside Mudfall, her mind groggy. She was starting to feel a little dizzy and the forest around her was starting to melt together into one color.

What's happening to me? Blossompaw blinked and shook her head. I feel like my entire world is spinning. She dragged her paws, unable to find the strength to fully lift them. The path ahead of her blurred and twisted, but Blossompaw continued. This is fine. Blossompaw told herself. This is fine. Blossompaw took one more step and then darkness consumed her.


Blossompaw's eyes slowly opened, her eyelids feeling heavy as stones. Her vision was fogged with sleep and confusion and she lifted her head, blinking a few times to clear the fog. She could scent herbs, and quickly realized she was in the medicine cat den. Her mouth was painfully dry and she had a foul taste on her tongue as well as her stomach growling with hunger.

"Oh!" Blossompaw heard an exclamation to the side of her and saw Honeyfrost standing in the medicine cat den entrance. "You're awake."

"What happened?" Blossompaw tried to speak, but her speech was scratchy due to her dry mouth and throat.

"Hold on." Honeyfrost padded over to the small pool of water in the corner of the medicine cat den and picked up a moss ball soaked in water. "You need to drink something." Blossompaw lapped at the water, the coolness soothed her throat and provided moisture to her mouth.

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