Chapter 22

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Owlpaw carefully looked over Kip's paws, sniffing them for signs in infection. "I think your infection is gone."

"Are you sure?" Kip asked, the ginger tabby sniffing his paw pads. "It still hurts."

"It will be tender, but it will heal. I'll put some more dock on it to relieve the pain." Owlpaw chewed up some dock and rubbed it gently into Kip's injured pad.

"Thanks, Owlpaw." Kip purred and limped away back to Polly and Ginger. Owlpaw glanced over at Cocoa who was treating Mossie's paw the same way.

"The infection is gone" Cocoa explained. "It will feel better soon." She urged and Mossie trotted happily away.

"You've been doing good." Owlpaw praised. "These past few days have been a little rough, but you kept pushing through."

"Thanks." Cocoa looked at Owlpaw. "I think I'm finally getting used to this whole medicine cat thing. It's been better now that we're working as a Clan." Owlpaw let out a pleasured purr and looked over the group of cats. Crossing the thunderpath had led to some unexpected consequences. Each cat had sore and torn paw pads from crossing the path, but they didn't expect them to become infected.

The worst had been Kip, Mossie, Turnip and Yew. They had all gotten pretty badly infected and had to be rapidly treated. The whole ordeal had kept them in their temporary camp for nearly four days now. They had made a home in the field, using brambles and bracken to make some poorly made dens. Though many cats toughed it out and slept outside, Berryheart and Leopardpaw had no issue doing that as MoonClan cats often slept outside.

Owlpaw was impressed by these cat's tenacity. Especially the kittypets. Melon, Polly and Cocoa had all agreed to sleep outside so the cats with infected paws could have a warm den. They've come a long ways from sleeping comfortably with their twolegs. As Owlpaw thought about the kittypets, Seedclaw and Sheer Mountain approached her and Cocoa.

"How are our injured cats doing?" Sheer Mountain questioned.

"Better." Owlpaw dipped her head. "Yew's infection was cleared last night and so far Mossie, Turnip and Kip have all been cleared as well. If they rest their paws tonight, we should be able to continue in the morning."

"That's wonderful news." Seedclaw purred. "Good work, both of you."

"How's your scratch?" Cocoa checked with the LichenClan tom. Owlpaw focused on Seedclaw's cheek where he had been scratched by the racoon. It was barely visibly through his dark fur.

"I barely notice it." Seedclaw reported. "Thanks to the two of you." Owlpaw could tell that Cocoa really needed the compliment. She needs to build her confidence. "You two should get something to eat, and get more travelling herbs if we can find some."

"Will do." Owlpaw dipped her head and looked to Sheer Mountain. "Sorry we had to stop so long."

Sheer Mountain shook her head. "It's not a problem, it's given me time to think about what's ahead."

"We're almost there." Owlpaw glanced towards the mountains. We're almost home. She had hardly been thinking about her troubles leaving the Clan behind as she had been so focused on healing the affected cats. I know being a medicine cat is what I'm supposed to do. Owlpaw reminded herself. And it's what I will do when I get home.

"Are you excited to get your nine lives?" Cocoa spoke up. "Owlpaw told me I'll be going with you."

"I'm...nervous." Sheer Mountain replied. "But I'll face the challenge when it arrises." She looked to Owlpaw. "Will I be choosing Cocoa's name?"

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