Chapter 6

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Owlpaw heard rain pouring outside, large raindrops splashing against the roof of the cave. She could also hear coughing, through the darkness she a flash of golden eyes. Sheer Mountain. Owlpaw's eyes opened suddenly, she was still in her nest and there was no rain. A dream? She lifted her head slowly, letting out a yawn as she shook off sleep. Her Clanmates with the exception of Berryheart who was sitting watch outside, were asleep.

Owlpaw sat up in her nest, looking towards the cavern entrance. The sunlight was still dim outside, barely rising over the clouds. Owlpaw stepped out of her nest and padded slowly to the cavern entrance. Just outside sat Berryheart, the MoonClan she-cat looked very tired.

"You could probably get some sleep." Owlpaw mewed once she spotted her.

"Thanks, Owlpaw." Berryheart yawned and moved into the cavern to get some rest. Owlpaw was clearly the only one awake in the cave. The air was brisk, biting at her eartips. The cold season is approaching quickly. She looked towards Sheer Mountain cave. She's worried about making us mad. Owlpaw thought. I told her to take her time, but I don't want leafbare to slow us down. Not to mention... Owlpaw walked across the cavern, glancing up at the sky as she did.

It was barely dawn, the sky still rather dark with only hints of sunlight. I'll just check quickly. Owlpaw padded over to the den and poked her head inside. Sheer Mountain was curled up in her nest with the kits around her. Sparrow was cuddled up against Sheer Mountain's stomach, Finch was sprawled out against her other flank and Wren was laying across Sheer Mountain's shoulders.

Owlpaw let out a small laugh at the sight of it then turned to the other resident of this den. Tumbleweed was curled up in his nest. Through the faint sunlight, Owlpaw could see just how dull his pelt was. His fur was thinning and Owlpaw could see his ribs. She was starting to get genuinely concerned about the old tom.

He still had a raspy, dry cough that would completely halt whatever he was doing. Owlpaw watched his breathing and noticed it was slow and raged. He let out a couple coughs, but didn't wake. He had no appetite, and even though he tried to eat he often couldn't keep it down. He had no energy and spent most of the time in his den.

It had been nearly four days since Owlpaw and Sheer Mountain got catmint and it hadn't done anything. She tried tansy and fennel, which also did nothing. She kept giving him sorrel to try and quell his hunger, but he needed actual prey. Owlpaw felt so helpless, like she couldn't do anything to cure Tumbleweed's ailment. If only I was an actual medicine cat.

She was running out of ideas, she didn't know what Sheer Mountain would think of her if she let Tumbleweed die. There has to be something I can do. Owlpaw stepped out of the cavern and looked up towards the sky as the stars faded away. Mosscloud used to be a medicine cat. She looked over her shoulder towards the outlook where Sheer Mountain's mother died. Maybe tonight I can try and ask for help from Mosscloud. She'll know what to do.

Owlpaw's stomach growled, she let out a low sigh and padded over to the fresh-kill to eat a small mouse. Anxiety clawed at her chest, she didn't like not knowing what to do. Tumbleweed is running out of time. I just hope that he is able to last the rest of the day.


As the sun rose, the day followed and Owlpaw's travelmates exited the cavern and started preparing for the day. The first ones out of Sheer Mountain's cavern were the kits, chasing after one another and full of energy. Sheer Mountain wasn't far behind, she stepped out into the open air and yawned. She looked incredibly tired. Did she not sleep well? Owlpaw had figured out that whatever Tumbleweed had, it wasn't contagious as Sheer Mountain nor any of the kits had showed any symptoms in the entire time that Tumbleweed had been sick.

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