Chapter 29

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"Can we go home yet?" Blossompaw pleaded with Mudfall, her paws itching to get back into camp.

"I seem to recall not long ago a she-cat who couldn't get enough training, too much if it fact." Mudfall looked at her skeptically.

"I know, I know." Blossompaw sighed. "But I want to spend some time with Owlpaw, it's been so long since I saw her and I haven't gotten to spend any quality time with her yet! Everyone was telling me that breaks were important, right?"

Mudfall chuckled. "Very well, Blossompaw." He purred. "You can spend some time with Owlpaw, if she's not busy that is. Medicine cats live very busy lives."

"I know." Blossompaw mewled impatiently. "Can we go now please?" Mudfall let out a laugh, but began leading Blossompaw back to camp. It had been two days since Owlpaw's return and Blossompaw had been dying to spend some time with her.

Her confinement to camp had ended the day before Owlpaw returned and while it felt good to be back in training, she wanted nothing more than to spend some time with Owlpaw. Blossompaw hadn't been expecting Owlpaw to switch her training over to being a medicine cat and Blossompaw had honestly been a little sad about it.

It meant that Owlpaw wouldn't be training with them anymore, she wouldn't even be sharing a den with Blossompaw and their brothers. I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with her yet. Blossompaw thought. But she seems so different. Blossompaw had tried wrapping her head around just what Owlpaw and the other travelling cats had done.

They had created and entirely new Clan! There was a fifth Clan in the mountains and Blossompaw wasn't sure how to feel about it. She didn't know why StarClan deemed it necessary to have a fifth when the four were doing just fine on their own. However, Owlpaw seemed passionate about it so Blossompaw held her tongue. She would just have to allow this new Clan time to settle in, though she was eager to see how they worked. They didn't even have a name yet!

Blossompaw and Mudfall finally reached camp and Blossompaw spotted her sitting sitting outside of the medicine cat den eating a mouse. Yes! Blossompaw felt excitement rush through her paws. She's not busy! Blossompaw happily trotted over to her sister. "Are you busy?" She checked.

"Not really." Owlpaw mewed, swallowing her bite. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Blossompaw sat down beside her sister. "I just wanted to talk to you, you were gone for so long, we need to catch up. I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell!"

"I'm sure you do too." Owlpaw purred. "It seemed like a lot has changed. There wasn't a nursery full of kits for starters, and Bluestream and the others were still apprentices!"

"Yeah," Blossompaw shrugged. "But that's typical Clan life. I did help Sedgefern give birth though, which was really cool to see."

"That sounds incredible." Owlpaw purred. "I'm excited to help deliver kits for the first time, though I don't know when that will be."

"Petalbreeze and Burnclaw seem awfully close these days." Blossompaw chuckled. "So I don't think kits are that far off."

"I hope not." Owlpaw waved her tail. "There's so much I need to learn as a medicine cat, even with the experience I have already. I want to learn all of it."

"You'll do great." Blossompaw mewed, before lowering her head. "I'll admit, I was a little sad when you changed to Honeyfrost's apprentice. I'm really happy for you, I'll just miss training with you."

"It's okay." Owlpaw nuzzled Blossompaw's cheek. "Nothing can keep us apart anymore, even if I am a medicine cat apprentice. We're sisters, we will always be connected. We will always have time to hang out and spend some time together."

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