Chapter 7

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"Blossompaw, you're next." Mudfall instructed and Blossompaw dropped into a battle stance, widening her legs and keeping herself sturdy. She faced Bluepaw whose eyes sparked with excitement. She ran over everything in her mind, what the mentors had explained to her as well as what she had watched Oakpaw and Snowpaw do. I can do this.

Blossompaw charged forward, going straight for Bluepaw's shoulders. She powered energy into her hind legs and gave a leap. Her forepaws landed on Bluepaw's lower back, the weight making Bluepaw's hind legs give out. Blossompaw stumbled forward and slipped off Bluepaw's back, landing on her paws behind the apprentice. Fox-dung! She swore and flicked her tail in annoyance.

"You jumped too far." Mudfall pointed out. I'm well aware of that. She rose to her paws. "You're over estimating your target. It's important to judge your enemies as you fight them."

Blossompaw flattened her ears for a moment and rose to her paws, facing Bluepaw once again. "Let me try again." Blossompaw mewed boldly. I need less power in my jump. She dropped into a crouch and leapt again. This time she landed safely on Bluepaw's back. She used her forepaws to grip Bluepaw's shoulders and throw her off balance.

Bluepaw resisted and Blossompaw struggled, but eventually she got Bluepaw to fall over on her side. Blossompaw was unable to get off and fell to the ground along with Bluepaw. "Better." Mudfall gave a small nod. "But your reaction time is slow." Blossompaw's pelt burned as all the other apprentices watched her.

She was training along with her brothers as well as Snowpaw and Windpaw as well as their mentors. I'm the only one who can't get this. Blossompaw wanted to try again, but she didn't know if she could stand the embarrassment again. "Why don't you have a go, Rushpaw." Hollystorm encouraged.

Blossompaw sat down, staring at her paws while Rushpaw padded up to face Windpaw. Blossompaw watched her brother, hoping to possibly learn something. Oakpaw was such a natural when it came to fighting, and while Rushpaw wasn't as much of a natural, he learned quickly. Blossompaw was a sharp hunter, but she struggled with fighting more than her brothers.

She watched Rushpaw as he crouched down and face Windpaw. He jumped just the same as Blossompaw did, but he seemed more graceful. He landed on Windpaw's shoulders and knocked the she-cat down before jumping easily to the side. "Very good, Rushpaw." Hollystorm praised and Blossompaw continued to stew. I did the exact same thing as him. She thought bitterly. Why did he do it so much better than me?

"That's enough training for today." Falconheart spoke up, rising to his paws. "We need to prepare for the gathering soon." But I'm the only one who failed. Blossompaw thought sadly but didn't argue. The apprentices gathered and Blossompaw walked slowly behind the others, dragging her tail through the grass and leaves.

"Don't feel bad, Blossompaw." Rushpaw spoke, falling in beside her. "You'll get it soon enough." The pity in her brother's eyes made Blossompaw feel incredibly annoyed. I don't want sympathy. Blossompaw held her tongue, despite wanting to tell her brother to leave her alone. Is this what Owlpaw feels like? Blossompaw suddenly missed her sister even more. I bet Owlpaw would understand. She dropped her head. She watched Bluepaw, Windpaw and Snowpaw all laughing together. Rushpaw left Blossompaw's side, clearly realizing she wasn't in the mood to talk and approached Oakpaw.

I love my brothers. Blossompaw noted. But I wish I had my sister. The bond between sisters was unlike anything else, it was something that she just couldn't share with Rushpaw and Oakpaw. We have our own bond, but I miss Owlpaw so much. She glanced up towards the sky as the sun slowly began to dip behind the mountains. Please come home soon.

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