Chapter 21

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"Do you remember everything I told you?" Sheer Mountain looked intently at Finch, Wren and Sparrow.

"Stay with the group." Wren mewed.

"Don't play with weird things." Sparrow added.

"Listen to everything the Clan cats say." Finch concluded.

"What else?"

"Stay away from anything that isn't one of our future Clanmates or the Clan cats."

"Dogs, other cats and twolegs are dangerous."

"Be very careful when crossing the thunderpath."

"Good." Sheer Mountain looked over her three kits as they wiggled with excitement. "Are you three ready? Our lives are about to change completely."

"I'm ready!" Finch jumped up. "It's going to be so cool being a Clan cat!"

"Yeah!" Wren chirped. "It's going to be so much fun once we actually become apprentices."

"Sheer Mountain," Sheer Mountain heard a voice behind her. She looked over her should to see Nettle approaching. "Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah." Sheer Mountain's voice trembled. "Kits, go with Nettle. I'll be right out." The kits ran out of the den but Nettle remaind for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Nettle questioned.

"Yes." Sheer Mountain dipped her head. "I just need a moment."

"Alright." Nettle dipped her head and vanished from sight.

"I'm really doing this." Sheer Mountain spoke to herself, looking at hers and her kit's nest, as well as Tumbleweed's. She couldn't bring it upon herself to take it down. She walked over to it and breathed in the familiar scent that was starting to fade. "You're coming with me, right?" She spoke to the empty nest. "You'll be there for me, right?" Her voice was weak and she let out a shaky sigh. "I can't believe I'm leaving this place." Sheer Mountain had been born in this cavern. She had raised the three kits in this den and she had lost both her parents here.

"But now," She mewed almost silently. "A whole new adventure is awaiting us." She closed her eyes, taking in the scent of the cave one last time. She forced herself to turn away from the den she had slept in her whole life and pad out into the open cavern.

She walked up to the group, standing near the Clan cats at the front. She met up with Owlpaw who gave her the foul tasting travel herbs. "Thank you." She dipped her head. "Are you ready for this?"

Owlpaw nodded shakily. "Are you?"

"I think so." Sheer Mountain breathed out and looked to Seedclaw who seemed to be taking charge.

"Has every cat taken their travelling herbs? If not, please go see Owlpaw and Cocoa now." When no cat moved, Seedclaw continued. "We are now ready to leave, this is going to be a long journey. When we came here it took us about ten days of travel, five of which we spent because one of us was injured. Though we have a much larger group this time, so I suspect the journey will take around the same amount of time, hopefully a little shorter. We will be dealing with twolegplaces and a thunderpath, and we will have to scale some mountains to get into the Clan territories so please stay safe. Work together and look our for one another. Don't forget you are a Clan now, keep each other safe."

Sheer Mountain felt several eyes on her. They want me to say something. She took a deep breath and lifted her head, speaking loudly. "As we set out on this journey together, I just want to take this time to thank you again. Thank you for putting your faith in me, as well as each other to build this Clan. We are all starting our lives over it seems, but none of us will ever be alone again. StarClan will guide us to our new home, and we will thrive amongst the other Clans, I know we will."

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