Chapter 12

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Owlpaw could see the stars, they shimmered over head, brighter than ever. She felt an overwhelming sense of calm. She focused in on the world and realized she was on the stone overlook. I don't think I fell asleep up here. Owlpaw blinked, then caught the calming scent of Mosscloud. She looked to her side and saw the starry-eyed medicine cat sitting next to her.

"Such a beautiful night." Mosscloud breathed out before looking at Owlpaw. "I'm going to miss this place."

"Me too." Owlpaw looked up at the stars. We'll be going home soon. She felt incredibly relaxed, more than she had in a long time.

"I'm proud of you. You managed to convince Sheer Mountain." Mosscloud replied.

"I don't think I had much to do with it." Owlpaw admitted, lowering her head.

"Sheer Mountain puts her trust in you, she admires you and I know you admire her as well." Mosscloud rested her tail across her paws. "It's tragic what happened to Tumbleweed, I hate that it came to that to get Sheer Mountain to open her mind. But loss is often what we need to get stronger."

Owlpaw flattened her ears. "I still wish I could've saved him. It hurts, I've barely been able to sleep. Even now that I know Sheer Mountain is going to lead this Clan."

"Tumbleweed had no regrets coming into the stars."

"He's in StarClan?"

"Not quite." Mosscloud purred. "StarClan does not roam these skies, Owlpaw. I am not even technically in StarClan. Though when you return to the mountains, I am hoping that I will be able to follow you, and I will bring Star and Tumbleweed with me so they can continue to watch over their daughter."

"Is Tumbleweed...doing okay? Being in the stars and all?"

"He was shocked when I showed up, he started going off about regret and wishing he had believed Star. Then I brought him to her and it was like he had seen her for the first time. I got to watch them fall in love all over again, it was incredibly sweet. They haven't left each other's side since getting reunited. That kind of love is special, Owlpaw."

"When I become a medicine cat, I don't get that kind of love."

"Not in the same way, no." Mosscloud looked her in the eyes. "But you do get a powerful love. A love for your Clanmates, for your Clan and for the stars." She tilted her head back up. "I never found myself wanting a mate like some medicine cats. I don't blame them for feeling that way, but I loved the responsibility to my Clan and to my Clanmates. It was a feeling unlike any other. Medicine cats are unique, it is our love that drives us."

Owlpaw felt moved by her words, she had no desire for mates, she had always figured she was just too young but even Blossompaw had talked about her future with a mate and kits. "I've always been destined to be a medicine cat, I know this now." She looked at her paws for a moment before turning her attention back to Mosscloud. "Speaking of medicine cats, the new Clan needs one. How will I find a cat who can communicate with StarClan?"

"I will send you a sign when the time is right." Mosscloud replied. "For now, you better get started finding Sheer Mountain some Clanmates. Venture into the twolegplace, tell them of your plan and ask them to gather where the Clan cats can explain in depth the live they will be leading. You'll be surprised at how many of the cats here dream of something more."

"Is it going to be hard?"

"It won't be easy, no." Mosscloud slowly shook her head. "But it's far from impossible, getting Sheer Mountain to accept her role as leader was the most challenging part, you should find this to be easier."

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