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Despite being homeschooled for basically ever, and despite never having good educators, Norman was surprisingly smart as heck. He was also very, very good at problem solving. Perhaps this came from the constant need to improvise and find solutions for many problems he has faced over the years. He made do with what he had way better than most everyone else in his position. With no real mentor or guidance, he became his only friend, and the only person he could rely on. Well, he made a few friends over the years, mainly in his more long-term homes. The longest he ever spent in a single home was two and a half years, this was when he first entered the system at 5. He made a few friends, but its not like he remembers them. He truly hopes they are doing well, and hopes that they have made it out of the system.

With his good problem solving, he soon grasped the workings of a life of privilege. Within time, he was soon used to eating more than just instant noodles every night, and he was still working on getting used to having his own space. He even gets to shower however long he wants now! He has a whole bathroom to himself, whereas before he was limited to 15 minute showers. This was the kind of luxury he could only ever read and hear about. Who would have thought such a simple thing could be so.. amazing.

Due to his unfortunate life beginning, its truly a wonder how hes as smart as he is. Most people in his situation aren't so lucky, and they struggle with education for a long time. Despite how smart he is, however, he doesn't exactly know he is smart. He's never been around the smartest of people, nor does he remember ever being appraised for his intelligence, so of course he thinks he's simply average.

Norman and his foster mother are now at the school office. Before he could begin school, he had to complete a test to assess his knowledge and skills. This isn't typically given, only in special circumstances. Norman has never gone to public school, so of course this is a special circumstance. They wait in the office, not making too much conversation, as they have not become too acquainted yet, so there is still that awkwardness.

There are a few other students walking in and out of the office, and they are very different from each other. Norman sees a group of what looks to be football players, he sees a couple holding hands, he sees a few teachers walk by, and a few various others. Its almost time to take the test, when suddenly theres a crash at the other end of the room, closer to the desk.

"I literally told you to watch out for that." Norman heard a boy say, after seeing a girl trip and fall. The boy had black hair, and was standing over the girl.

"Its not my fault it was there!" The girl responded, her orange hair partially wet from the puddle on the floor. Norman happened to look at the perfect moment, and saw her slip and fall. Ouch, landed on her face.

"Theres a WET FLOOR SIGN you idiot."

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"What happened? Why are you on the floor, Emma?" An older lady walked out into the office, looking down at the orange haired girl, "Did you not see the sign?"

"My point exactly! She should have seen that."

"Ray! Shut up!"

"Emma, be more careful next time please." The lady offered her hand, and helped her up, "Be more aware of your surroundings!"

"Yes ma'am.. I will" She said, partially embarrassed. She looked around, probably to look and see who saw her catastrophe. Her eyes widened for a brief second when they landed on Norman. She stared for a bit, then faced back at the principal.

"Now get to class guys, the bell will ring any second now." The lady urged for them to leave, and they complied. The lady then walked on over towards the white haired boy, "Hello! You must be Norman, right?" She extended her hand out to shake hands.

Norman nodded, and took her hand. She smiled and looked to his foster mom, "And you're Rosalia?"

Rosalia nodded as well, and also shook her hand. The principal introduced herself, "I'm Ms. Rochelle, you can call me Ms. Ro for short."

She began to walk away, and urged for Norman to follow, "Now, if you can follow me, I'll administer your test in the other room so you can concentrate." He got up and followed. They walked through a small hallway.

"I'm pretty sure you know what this is, but I'll walk you through anyways." She said as they rounded the corner into a room. "So you've never attended public school, right? Well, this test is meant to let us know your academic levels, and we can then place you accordingly. Sound good?"

Norman nodded. Ms Ro pulled out a packet of papers, and handed it to him, alongside a #2 pencil. She smiled, wished him luck, and left the room, leaving him to complete the test.

Norman took a look at the test, and he scanned through the whole thing before starting. This didn't seem hard at all. Maybe they gave him a lower grade level test, that has to be the reason it looks so easy. After scanning through, he began to bubble in answers, and before he knew it, he had completed the whole thing.

Within an hour, Ms Ro is back to collect the test and sends him off to wait with Rosalia.

They wait in the office to hear about results. Rosalia doesn't know what to expect, yes, Norman seems like a bright boy, he's certainly got a good head on his shoulders from what she could tell, but years of educational neglect had to have taken a toll on his intelligence, surely.

Norman doesn't stress. He doesn't fret either. He knows he did well, because he didn't have to guess on any of them. If anything, the test was kind of mediocre.

They wait for about forty minutes, when Ms Ro comes back out again. She seems to be stunned, and surprised, but at what?

"Hello! I have come with results." She handed them a paper with a bunch of charts and whatnot.

"How did he do?" Rosalia asked.

"Well.." Ms Ro started. This somewhat made Rosalia anxious. The way she started the sentence? That can't be good.

Norman just sat there, intrigued.

"Rosalia, Norman, I've been here for about ten years now, and I gotta admit guys.. this is one of the highest scores i've ever seen."

Rosalia was partially shocked. Only partially, because while she knows he is a bright one, she also knows how little educating he's gotten over the years. How could he be at such a high level? It seems kind of impossible to her, really.

But she did suppose that if any foster kid would be the smartest, it would be Norman.

"Really?" Norman asked. As mentioned before, he has never really gotten appraised for his intelligence, so this does come as a shock as well.

Ms Ro nodded. "I guess we'll be putting you in more advanced classes then. Now that this is over with, you'll officially start tomorrow. Just swing by about five minutes earlier to pick up your schedule, which I'll work on tonight."

Its never happened before, but it felt kind of nice to be appraised for his intelligence. It felt great to be appraised at all.

With that, they left back home. Rosalia congratulated Norman in the car, and they got ice cream on the way home as a treat. He was really excited by now.

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now