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The next day was still odd, but it didn't feel as bad.

Yeah, Emma still wasn't really talking to Norman, but it didn't feel so bad, because he knew that he was going to get to talk to her later. The same confusion swept over the others in class when they saw that she was the same as before. Norman didn't inform the others that he would be going to see her later that day, because he had no idea what would happen.

"This is really worrying me," Gilda said, turning to the others, "In all our friendship, she's never been like this."

Ray shrugged, "I've known her longer than any of you, and I say not to worry so much."

Gilda looked up at him, raising her eyebrows, "What are you talking about? You yourself said that she's never been like this before! How can you say not to worry?" Norman also thought this to himself, wouldn't that make it more reason to worry?

In response, the raven haired boy shook his head, "Because I know she's got this. She's been through a lot more than you guys think, whatever is going on with her, she'll be okay."

The four debated a bit more, before they quieted down. Eventually the class was over, and the four had split up like they had before, although Emma was still the first one out. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.

Norman couldn't help but think about that sentence all day. She's been through more than they think? Of course this makes sense, nobody goes through life without struggle, but he just didn't like the idea of her struggling, because she just didn't deserve that.

He also ponders the same thought that has also risen: he really doesn't know much about her. Maybe he knows her personality, her favorite color, her favorite ice cream flavor, and her love of athletics, but he doesn't know much past her surface. He couldn't help but look up at her every so often when they were in class, only seeing the back of her orange hair.

Norman was determined to get past that surface one day, and to truly learn who she is.

The end of the day had arrived, and Norman was pretty unsure of what he was supposed to do. Would he and Emma walk to her place together? Would he meet her there? And what was he supposed to do about Ray, he didn't want him to know he would see her because he might ask questions, and he didn't want to provide any until he knew what was up.

Norman arrived at the usual meet up spot, and saw that the only one there was Ray, who was leaning against the building, looking down at his phone. He looked up and noticed the other boy standing there.

"Oh? So I guess that means Emma won't be joining us, again." He said, looking back down at his phone for another second before clicking it off and hoisting himself off of the building, "Alright then, we walking?"

At that moment, Norman's pocket vibrated, and he slid his phone out.

Emma: Sorry I'm not there, I'm already home, you can walk over

In order to already be home, she must have booked it immediately after class, thats kind of impressive.

"Uh.." Norman started, still looking at his phone, "Yeah, okay." He quickly typed up a reply and pocketed his device.

Norman: I'll text you when I get there

Ray nodded, and together they began to walk. Ray's house was on the way to Emma's, so Norman would just leave him there and be on his way. The walk was silent at first, that is, until Ray broke the silence with a question.

"So.. any luck with Emma today?" He asked, looking at the boy to his left. This was a question Norman did not want to truthfully answer yet, but technically nothing had happened yet, so he didn't have to entirely lie.

"No, not yet." He said, which was technically the truth.

Ray nodded knowingly, "Things will be alright, she'll come around eventually, and who knows, maybe we just act like nothing ever happened?"

Even though whats happening sucks, Norman wouldn't feel right acting like nothing ever happened, because obviously something did happen, and he wants to get to the bottom of it, to make sure it doesn't happen again.

"Hey Ray..?" Norman suddenly asked, causing the other boy to tilt his head, "Do you think I blew my chance to tell her how I feel?"

The raven haired boy stopped walking, and he looked up, as if deep in thought, then he looked back at him, "Well, did she know what you were going to tell her? She never got the hint, did she?"

"Honestly, I doubt she did. She was talking about our friendship before she got upset." He responded, thinking back to the events of that day.

"Yikes." Ray responded, "Thats rough. But that doesn't mean you blew your chance. I guess you'll just.. have to wait longer, thats all."

More waiting? Norman was somewhat of a patient person, but that didn't make waiting any less boring. But if he had to, then he must, and if it means a better outcome for everyone, then thats what he will do.

"Well.. I guess thats fair."

They eventually reached Ray's house, which didn't take long. Ray bid Norman farewell, and they parted ways. He watched as he went int his house, leaving the white haired boy to be alone outside, with only one more quest to complete for the day.

Since he was now by himself, Norman was barely now realizing just how nervous he was to talk to Emma. What was she gonna tell him? Would things be better afterwards? Surely they had to be better after today.. right? He walked in the direction of her house, every step felt heavy, and he found himself worried at what would happen.

What if it came out that he had, in fact, done something wrong? What would he do? What would she think of him? Ray said that he probably hadn't blown his chances with her, but its not like he had all of the information, so he could very well be wrong.

Soon enough he would find out, however, because now he was in front of Emma's house. He stood there for a second in silence, taking in how he is feeling, before he took a deep breath, sighed, and carried on to the porch in front. When he reached the porch, he hesitantly took his phone out of his pocket.

Having typed out his message, his hand hovered over the send button, figuring that the longer he lagged, the more time he had to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Of course, at some point he had to send it.

Norman: Hey, I'm outside

Well, now there was no going back. Norman pulled at his collar and looked down, maybe he should have given himself just a few more seconds of preparation, he could really use a moment.

Not expecting a text reply, he shoved his phone back into his pocket, and waited. He continued to ponder what would happen as soon as that door was opened. He also wondered how he would feel. When he would finally see her, would he feel relief? Worry? He couldn't imagine what would happen.

He was about to find out, as he heard footsteps approaching the door, after having waited a while. He took a deep breath once more, trying to calm his nerves beforehand.

But he was not prepared for what would await him on the other side, because a few seconds later, the door swung open slowly, and he saw Emma standing there, with a dismal look on her face, one of which he has never seen before.

"Here, come in." She said, her voice no longer filled with the same positivity it had just a few days ago. Norman gave a sad smile, and with that, he stepped inside.

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now