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Emma woke up, the sun's rays beaming down on her through the window. She never sleeps with the curtains open, and this is why, its hard to sleep with the sun in your face. She sat up so that she could see without being blinded, and she was hit with the realization that she wasn't, in fact, sleeping in her room.

How did she end up in Ray's room?

Rubbing her eyes, she tried to think back to what events led up to this. She had been so tired, and honestly, she still was, and that definitely did not help her to figure out why she was here. If she could, she'd have gone back to sleep, but she doesn't even know why she is there. Did she maybe spend the night at his house? Shes done that in the past.. but if thats the case, then why isn't Ray here? And why does it look like its midday out?

If the redhead had her phone, she'd be able to check the time, but after searching the bed she was in, she couldn't find it anywhere. She'd never purposely leave her phone anywhere, thats odd. She also could hear very faint talking and movement coming from downstairs, was she the only one upstairs?

Eventually, she had remembered what was going on. Everyone had gone to Ray's house to celebrate Norman's birthday! Wait, then why was she alone upstairs... Could she have fallen asleep? She hadn't slept in almost two days, but she was sure that her excitement would keep her awake throughout the day. What happened then?

And wait.. if this is Norman's "birthday".. why isn't she celebrating with them? She's the one that called everyone up, shes the one that found out from Rosalia that his birthday was even coming up. She was the one that planned this, how could she be the one to fall asleep? She didn't want to miss out on everything!

Still trying to wake herself, her eyes adjusted to the lighting, and she stretched. She was about to decide to head downstairs, but before she could, the door opened slowly, revealing a certain boy with white hair.

"Oh Emma, you're awake." He said, walking into the room with something in his hand.

Emma nodded, still somewhat confused, "Norman? Wasn't I downstairs with you?" She looked around some more, "How did I get here?"

Norman chuckled, walking up to her on the bed, "You fell asleep downstairs. We were all in the living room, and everyone could tell you were getting tired."

"Really?" She asked, not remembering much of it.

"Yeah, then you fell asleep on me." He told her, still chuckling.

Emma's face went red, "R-Really? I fell asleep on you?"

"You did," He confirmed, still laughing, but now at her reaction, "Its okay though, I didn't mind."

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, definitely." He assured her, now having sat down on the bed, perpendicular to her, "Oh by the way, I came up here to bring you your phone, it was left downstairs." He put the phone down beside her.

She looked down at the device as she took what he previously said into consideration, even if its okay for her to fall asleep on him, she still feels bad for having fallen asleep while they were supposed to be celebrating. She was the one that set this whole thing up, after all.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep in the first place, I didn't mean to, I wanted to spend the day with you!" She said, pouting.

Norman could sense the disappointment she had towards herself, "Hey, its okay, you've been awake for a while, its okay to rest." He had put his hand on her leg, rubbing it in a comforting way.

Emma looked up at the boy, "But we're celebrating your birthday! Why would I wanna miss that?" She continued to pout, now crossing her arms as well.

"I mean, you stayed up getting some of this set up, of course you're going to be tired." Norman explained, "And you didn't miss it, you were only asleep for around an hour."

An hour? It seemed like she had been out for a while. The sun was still high up though, so that is an indication that she hadn't been out for too long. So maybe she hadn't missed the entire thing?

"How are you feeling now?" He asked her, still rubbing her leg.

"Mm.. tired still," She said, the tiredness still evident in her voice. She chuckled, knowing how obvious it probably was to him.

"What do you wanna do? Do you wanna go back downstairs, or stay up here and sleep?" He asked, giving her the two options.

"I don't knowwww.. I wanna spend time with you guys, but I'm still tireddd.." She voice trailed off, maybe she should have gotten sleep the night before.

Norman chuckled at the sight, "Well, its up to you, you can stay here and sleep if you'd like."

She weighed her options, she wanted to hang out with her friends, but she was also pretty tired. What should she do?

Finally, she made her decision, but it wasn't either of the choices previously given to her by the boy. She scooted closer to the boy, and leaned her head on his shoulder, mumbling, "Just give me five more minutes," as she did so.

The boy smiled, and decided to scoot back himself, allowing the redhead to lie more comfortably across his lap instead, "Okay, you can sleep some more."

Emma lied on the boy, curling herself up into a ball, feeling Norman's hand over her head. This was very comfortable, how could she be expected to sleep only five minutes now?

"Mmm.. give me ten minutes instead.." She mumbled, her tired voice trailing off.

Norman chuckled once more, "Okay, whatever you say.." He looked down at the sight of his sleepy girlfriend.

He thought she had dozed off, but she spoke once more, "Hey Norman?"

"Yeah?" He answered, still looking down at her.

"How did I even get up here in Ray's room?"

"Oh, you fell asleep downstairs, and we brought you up here to be more comfortable?"

She opened her eyes, and looked up at him, "You carried me up here?"

He looked away from her, kind of embarrassed at the question, "Uh, I tried. But.. I'm too weak, so Ray had to do it for me."

She smiled sleepily, "Heh, you're cute.."

Norman looked back down at her, still a little red, "You're cuter."

The smile remained on her face, and she turned back into her previous position, closing her eyes, "Nigh nigh, Norman.."

With one hand on her head, he placed his other one on her shoulder, "Goodnight, Emma." Even though it wasn't night, the same principle remained in sleep.

With how tired she had sounded, he was sure that she had fallen asleep already. He definitely did not mind being her pillow.

A few seconds later though, the door opened, revealing Don standing there, "Yoo! The chicken nuggies are done!"

After raiding Ray's kitchen to find food, the gang couldn't find much to eat, as Ray wasn't expecting to feed everyone today, so everyone settled on some chicken nuggets they found in the freezer.

"Oh, is she still asleep?"

Norman nodded, "Yeah, she is, but we'll go down in like, ten minutes."

Don nodded, "Alright, we'll be sure to save you guys some!" With that, he shut the door once more, and his footsteps were heard in the distance.

Norman looked down at the peacefully sleeping girl, how could he wake her up, and disturb her peaceful slumber, in only ten minutes? He leaned back, careful not to disturb her, and he continued to brush her hair back with his hand. He continued to admire her beauty.

Alone, with the sleeping girl, he smiled once more, and despite the fact that she likely couldn't hear him, he still whispered.

"I love you.."

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now