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Time went on, Norman was now seventeen, and everything continued going on well. It was now April, so about a month had passed since the small party. Things were going well in all aspects, including within Norman and Emma's new relationship.

It was a Saturday, and that meant that everyone had the day off, since there was no school. Perfect for laying in bed all morning, not doing anything.

And thats exactly what Norman was doing. Since the previous day had not been a school night, he and Ray stayed up for most of the night. Why? Ray had introduced him to some new game on his phone, and it had actually become pretty addicting, so they played it for a while. Theres just something about murder mystery type games that somehow seems to attract everyone..

They stayed up till around 6 in the morning playing, because why not? Honestly, the only reason they stayed up so late was because they had lost track of time at some point. But either way, it was the weekend, it wasn't like either of them would have to be up at any specific time for anything.

Or so they thought.

It was around afternoon time by now, and Norman was still in bed. He was still sound asleep, that is, until he heard a knock at the door.

"Norman!" He awoke at the sound of his name being called by someone behind the door. He was still half asleep though, so he didn't respond.

Until it was yelled again, "Normannnnn!"

It was that second time, that he finally opened his eyes, and realized who the voice belonged to. Was it? No, it couldn't be, she'd never just come by unannounced.. or at least, she never has before.

"Norman I'm gonna open the door if you don't answer me!" The voice whined, which only confirmed the boy's thoughts.

What was Emma doing in his house?

Sleepily, he pulled the sheets over his head, and called, back, "What?" Because he wasn't awake enough to put together full sentences, he could only drowsily question. He also wasn't coherent enough to properly question why the redhead was in his house.

She must of not heard him, because a second later, the door creaked open, and Emma peered inside. She saw the boy still in bed, wrapped in his blanket. Honestly, she thought the sight was pretty cute. She walked up to the bed, and slowly she peeled the sheet off of his head.

The sudden brightness caused the boy to look away, but eventually open his eyes as he adjusted to the light, revealing his girlfriend. He knew he had heard her voice just a bit ago, but now, looking at her, that was enough to fully awaken him.

"Hi sleepy head!" She exclaimed, looking down at him.

Norman was still confused though, "Wh-What? Emma?"

She nodded, "Yup! Thats me!"

Yeah, of course thats her, why would he ask? He rubbed his eyes, and he sat up, "But what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

Emma took this opportunity to sit on the bed, in front of Norman, "Hehe, I was let in by Rosalia!"

Of course she was. Ever since meeting, they've seemed to get along more. Rosalia absolutely adores Emma, but honestly who wouldn't? But that did explain it, the only other possibility was if she had some sort of secret key to his house, and he highly doubts thats possible.

He looked up at her, more coherent than before, "But why are you here so early?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What do you mean so early? Its like, one in the afternoon.."

In disbelief, the boy reached over towards his nightstand, and grabbed his phone to check the time. Sure enough, she was right, it was about to be one in the afternoon. He thought it was still morning time.

Noticing his confusion Emma began to giggle, "Were you really asleep that long that you didn't know how late it was?"

Placing his phone back down, he looked back at the girl and nodded. It was really the afternoon time? He was sure that he had seen the sun come up just a couple of hours ago..

"I guess so.. I kind of stayed up late, to be honest." He admitted, his voice still groggy.

"I figured as much, you never sleep in this late!" She explained, her energy very apparent to the tired boy. Her energy is usually contagious, and it appears to somewhat be waking him up.

He gave a half smile, "Yeah, I know. Its all Ray's fault, he's the one that I stayed up with."

"Really?" She asked, knowing that Ray's lazy self rarely ever stays up for too long, not unless theres a good reason to.

Norman nodded once more, "He showed me a game, and we kind of stayed up all night playing." He said, knowing they certainly stayed up all night playing, and not 'kind of.'

"Of course Ray would do that," Emma said, not surprised that the reason for their all nighter is a game.

By now, as he has had time to think, Norman questioned, "Wait, why are you even here?"

She gave him a weird look, which told him he probably said that in the wrong tone, so he corrected himself, "Not that I don't want you here! But you usually text me before seeing me."

After the explanation, the girl shrugged, "You weren't answering your texts! I've been texting you since like, ten in the morning, and I never got a response, so I had to make sure you were alive!"

Why wouldn't he be alive? The explanation made some sense to him, but he still was not expecting her appearance, "Well, I'm alive. And you're already here, so what were you texting for? I know you didn't come over just to check my pulse."

As if she's been waiting for this question, Emma smiled, "We're gonna go on a date!"

"A date?" He questioned, "You mean like we always do?"

To his surprise, she shook her head, "Nope! We always go to the park, or we hang out at one of our houses. But today, I want to go out on a real date!"

"Oh," He responded, knowing that they had never actually gone on a 'real' date, "Well, what did you have in mind?"

Apparently, that was the right question, because she began to talk as if she had been waiting to say this all day, "Honestly, I don't know! I was thinking about it, and maybe we can get ice cream! Or tea! I know good places for both!" She concluded, grinning as she did so.

Since his mind is now sharper than just a couple minutes ago when he had barely woken up, the white haired boy was now able to make sense of all her talking, "Really? I like both of those ideas."

Bursting with excitement, the redhead hugged onto the boy, "Yay! Its gonna be fun!"

Chuckling at her energy, Norman hugged her back, "Yes, it definitely will be." And of course it would be. Because she's Emma, and she makes everything fun. Its only common sense.

After a few seconds, Emma pulled away from the hug, and excitedly spoke, "Okay! Lets go!"

However, she seemed to forget that her boyfriend had only just woken up a few minutes ago.

"Uh, Em?" He called to her questioningly, "Before we go, can I at least uh.. be able to shower and get ready?"

Realizing that he had yet to do this, she nodded, "Oh! Yeah, go do that! I'll just wait here until your done!"

Norman smiled, "Thanks." He said, as he leaned over to give her a quick kiss, before he got up and made his way towards the shower, leaving the redhead by herself.


So like, theres a bunch of Noremma in my future lol, i'm doing Norember, then i'm doing another AU fanfic later on, AND I have also started another now! Its co written by me, and by Noremma_6322 , its on their account, but no chapters will be up till this weekend. It is filled with many many spoilers though, so do beware if you haven't read the manga. Go check that out if you can :) And thanks for all the support, I appreciate it a lot!

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