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Class eventually ended, the bickering however, did not cease once. Actually, even after class ended, they continued to bicker, and this lasted so long, that they were almost late to the next class. Somehow, amidst all the bickering, none of the questions had been answered.

So during the next class, Ray had messaged the group chat, instructing everybody to meet up after school. There were mixed responses from the group, but ultimately it was agreed upon.

Ray is somehow always the first to the spot. He stood there, leaning against the building, looking down at his phone. What was he doing? Probably looking at memes or something. Hearing footsteps, he looked up, and saw a particular boy with white hair.

Ray snickered, as he slipped his phone into his pocket, "So, when were you planning on telling me?"

Norman raised his eyebrow, somewhat faking his ignorance, "Telling you what?"

The raven hair boy rolled his eyes, "You know what. I'm not stupid, I know something happened."

He only faked a thoughtful expression, and turned back to the interrogator, "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Ray scoffed, and crossed his arms over his chest, "Come on! Just say it. You know I'm not stupid"

Realizing his lack of decription, Norman thought of a clever response, "Yeah, you're right, you aren't stupid, which means you already know. So just say it."

The boy only stared back at him, he didn't actually know what happened, he only acted like he knew in order to get the actual truth out. But Norman knew this, and he decided to use his own cards against him.

"Say what?" Ray asked, trying to out-clever the other, "You gotta say it man."

"But you are the one that asked," Norman responded once more, "Plus, you said you already know, because you aren't stupid right? Just go ahead and say it then."

Knowing his defeat, Ray only sighed, "Okay, fine, I don't know. I guess, you probably met up with Emma yesterday and made up, right?"

Well, he was right on that part, but he didn't have the whole truth.

He thought out loud, "Hmm.. Yeah, you got that right, we did make up."

And made out. But that parts not going to be mentioned.

Ray furrowed his eyebrows, "Huh. I knew it would be something like that, you don't exactly have the balls to ask her out." He kept his gaze on Norman after saying this.

This response made Norman laugh, "Well.." he said, putting his arms up.

Catching onto this, Ray's eyes widened, "Wait, did you actually-"

"Hey guys!" Ray was cut off by the sound of yet another newcomer approaching. Norman turned around to find Emma approaching.

"Oh hey Emma." Norman smiled, greeting her. She walked up, and stopped as she reached his side, grabbing onto his hand, as if Ray was not standing in front of them.

The thirdwheel only stood there, looking between the two, already having pieced the whole thing together.

"No way.." Was all he could say. Emma noticed this reaction of his, and looked up at Norman, "Does he know?"

The white haired boy only shrugged, "I think so."

Emma smirked, suddenly gaining an idea, "Yo Ray!" She said, before turning up once more at the boy at her side, and without warning, pulling his head down to give him a kiss. It was only about three seconds long, but it was certainly unexpected by all parties. She pulled away, leaving a confused and flustered Norman with his head still down. The redhead smiled once more, turning to Ray, "I'm allowed to do that!"

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now