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If you had told a particular boy with white hair that morning, that he was going to kiss his childhood crush later that day, he definitely would not have believed you.

But thats exactly where he is at now, in Emma's room, with her in his arms, and his lips locked with hers. Norman had never truly thought about what this moment would be like, he was always too focused on whether it would happen at all, but now he is here, and its happening, and she was the one that suggested it in the first place!

They stayed like that for a little while, but eventually were cut off by the sudden vibration of a phone. Reluctantly, Norman pulled away from the kiss and took his hand off of the back of Emma's head, reaching for his phone. Emma could see the red that was still on his face, and she giggled, earning a slight chuckle from Norman as he shook his head, a little embarrassed. He got his phone, just as it went off again.

Ray: oh my god you are literally worse than Norman

Ray: Wait, that was meant for Don-

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Norman asked aloud. Emma tilted her head in confusion, so he showed her his screen.

"Is that.. an insult?" She asked, giggling once more, earning just a shrug from the boy.

Norman looked down at his phone, then he looked back up at the redhead, "I'll just.. answer that later." He said, laughing as he put it back in his pocket.

It was silent between the two after this, it was even a little awkward. Norman still had his left hand around her waist, which he hadn't made any mental notes about until this period of silence. He had no idea what the next move should be, does he take his hand off of her? Do they carry on like nothing happened?

Suddenly, Emma began to laugh again, then she looked at Norman, "You know, awkwardness has never been an issue for me before you."

He gave her a look of confusion, "Is that a bad thing? I don't know how to take that."

She shrugged, "Maybe its just because I've never liked anyone like how I like you."

Norman felt his face go red again, dang it, he needs to get this whole blushing thing under control, "I guess I could say the same. I'm usually able to collect myself, and even though I'm still able to for the most part, I sometimes slip up when it has to do with you."

She smiled, leaning her head down onto his shoulder, "We're both kind of awkward."

He nodded, resting his head onto hers, "Yeah, we kind of are. And Ray never helped with that awkwardness."

"Let me guess," She started, "Did he tease you a lot about me?"

"All the time!" He exclaimed, "Every time I'd see him after hanging out with you, he would have to make jokes."

Emma laughed, "He sometimes did that to me, but it looks like he did that way more to you."

"Maybe thats because he has known from the beginning that I like you."

She lifted her head to face him, "When was this 'beginning'?"

He figured that it was best to come clean now, as she already knows he likes her, no harm in telling her the full story, "I'll be honest.. I've liked you since I first moved here. Ray guessed it after that first day."

She pondered, "So he wasn't lying.."

Norman realized what she said, "Wait, did he tell you before??"

"Well.. kind of? He never flat out said you liked me, he always just.. indirectly said it. He would say it as if guessing, but I had no idea he was being for real."

He sighed, "Yeah thats.. thats Ray for ya."

"Classic Ray." She said in agreement, "So.. I have another question."

He perked up at this. Last time she 'had a question', they ended up kissing, "Yeah?"

Emma hesitated a bit, just like she hesitated earlier, "Am I.." He looked down at her, as if telepathically saying 'go on?'

"Am I allowed.. to do that all the time?"

She hadn't said it, but he knew that she was referring to the kiss. She had phrased it in such an awkward way, isn't that just..asking someone out? Is that how that goes? He had no idea, really.

"Well.. I'd like that a lot, but.. what does that mean?" He asked, "Isn't that just dating?"

Emma giggled awkwardly, "I don't know, I've never even kissed anyone but you before.."

"Really?" He asked curiously, "But you're so pretty.. surely many people have liked you!"

She shrugged, "I guess I just don't usually like people in that way.." she trailed off, before picking the sentence back up, "But I really like you!"

Norman looked down at the redhead he was still holding onto, "I really like you too.." He picked his free arm up and brushed her hair back with his hand.

A smile illuminated her face as she held onto him, not wanting to let go of him ever. He didn't want to let go of her either, which prompted him to question whether he would ever have to. He sure hoped not, figuratively, of course, he couldn't literally hold onto her forever.

"So.. as for your question a bit ago.. I would like to answer with another question." Norman said, the confidence once lost in his voice no longer absent.

"What is it?"

He took a deep breath, "I've.. honestly wanted to ask you this for a long time.. and now that I get to ask it, it feels very unreal.."

Emma giggled yet again, "I know the feeling," She said, fiddling with the string on his jacket, "But I'm impatient. So ask!"

Of course shes impatient, he expected nothing less from her. He had to ask it now, and it shouldn't even be that hard to ask. He already knows that she likes him, she's said it like three times already, and he's already kissed her, so how can this be such a hard thing to ask?

"Okay.." He grabbed her hand into his, and she sat up after this. She looked at him, her bright green eyes shone, they were just one of many features that Norman liked about her. Holding her hand in his, he smiled, "I don't know how this works, like at all, but.. do you want to be my girlfriend?"

She continued to smile, "I've never been a girlfriend before, but yes!" With that, she dived into his chest and held tightly onto him. Realizing what this means, Norman couldn't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of happiness as he caressed her hair. It was official, she was his girlfriend! Emma, the really funny, really smart, really bubbly, and really, really cute girl. Thats his girlfriend, it felt so unreal, he genuinely believed he would be friend zoned forever.

He sighed in contentment, and held her close to him.

Emma, on the other hand, absolutely loved being in his embrace. She's been close to people before, but never has she felt the way she does now. It was amazing really, how could she have been so oblivious to this before?

She felt him pull away from the embrace after a little bit, which confused her, as she really wanted to stay close to him. He looked down to face her, "So, you know how you asked if you could kiss me all the time?"

She tilted her head in confusion, "Yeah?"

He looked down, his face a slight tint of red, "Do you.. do you wanna do that now?"

Norman did not have to wait long for a response, because a second later her lips were once again on his.


So I was thinking.. hey y'all.. what if we made a tpn or noremma (whichever would be cool) discord server😳

also omg why wont this show up😭 sorry if you got the notif for this being published multiple times, wattpad is glitchy

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