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I am so sorry

This is not canon to my AU at ALL, its a joke I swear, I promised the Noremma server I'd do it though

I now present..


"I swear, if the entire thing is on fire, I'm blaming it all on you." The blonde teased, as the pair walked back to the main area, where they had left a small fire unattended. As they walked, the wind swept throughout the mountainside, seemingly getting stronger with every step that they took. This only worried the blonde more, wind and fire don't typically mix well. Or rather, they mix too well, and thats an even bigger issue.

The raven haired boy glanced down to his right where the girl stood, and scoffed, "What? How is it all my fault? You are just as much to blame as I am." He reasoned, and while he was technically correct, it wasn't seen that way.

Anna giggled, of course she wouldn't actually blame it all on him, but it would be pretty funny. They were nearing the top of the hill, which was where the trail faded into the main area. The main area was a spot of land that lied almost flat against the top of the mountain. It wasn't perfectly leveled, but its lopsided-ness wasn't noticed much. The end of the trail was now in sight.

"Yeah, I know that. I'm kidding anyways, the fire is probably out by now." She assured both Ray and herself, since she genuinely hoped that she was correct. If the place had been ignited, that would have been a complete disaster, and none of them would want that on this mini vacation.

Ray looked back up and away from the girl, and he nodded, "Probably." He walked with his two hands tucked into the pockets of his unzipped jacket, his eyes now on the horizon that he could see looking above the edge of the Earth. He kept his eyes there, trying not to look at the girl so much, because that would be pretty suspect of him.

The blonde nodded, and they continued to walk further along the trail in silence. The top of the trail was soon at their level, and Ray slowed his pace to a stop, before he turned to look at the girl once more.

"What did I tell ya?" He asked with a grin on his face, "The place is fine. The fire looks like its even diminished a little." He chuckled a little as well.

Anna's expression turned into one of relief as she came to a halt as well, and she began to chuckle as well, "Thats good.. how about we never leave a fire unattended again, just to be safe?" She looked up to the taller boy, waiting for a response.

Once more, he nodded, "Sounds like a plan." He spoke, as he turned his head to face forward. He walked closer to the middle of the main area, where the small fire was still lit, but only barely. The wind must have diminished it, which is definitely good, if it had spread the fire more, than that would have been.. interesting, to say the least.

Following suit after the boy, Anna also began to walk toward the middle area. She looked around, and saw some of their items had been blown around by the somewhat strong winds, including all their items they used to start the fire. The bottle of lighter fluid, the bucket it had been residing in, the lighter, and a few other non-fire related items as well, had been lying scattered all around the area. Attempting to gather all the scattered items, Ray stood the bucket back up, and then walked around to pick up the other objects. The girl also walked around, attempting to tidy up the area as well.

"I didn't know the wind would be this bad today." Ray muttered, as he bent down to reach for the bottle of lighter fluid. He lifted the bottle up, not noticing that it was upside down and had been slightly opened, which caused a bit of lighter fluid to spill out onto the ground, which was then spread thin by another gust of wind's force.

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