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Emma knew that constantly arriving early basically defeated the purpose of having a set time to show up, but she couldn't help herself! She was always excited to hang out with Norman. She had dressed for warm weather, because her phone had told her that the weather would be warm, but its cloudy out, and honestly looks like its gonna rain. She looked up, and instantly was greeted by a single rain drop on her nose, which caused her to pout and scrunch up her nose. She had already texted Norman that she was outside, but he still hadn't come out!

"Did you just pout at the sky?" She heard a voice from up ahead, and she looked forward to see Norman standing on his porch, closing his front door behind him.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, "I looked up and felt a raindrop!" She said as she crossed her arms. Norman laughed and shook his head, and he walked towards her.

"Maybe its going to rain today?"

Emma's arms were still crossed, "I hope not! Come on, lets go before it actually starts to rain!" With that, she grabbed his hand and began to walk in the direction of the park. Her pace was slightly faster than his due to her constant energy, but he never minded the extra effort to keep up with her. They walked, or more like speedwalked, along the sidewalk for a bit. The rain was slowly beginning to pick up the pace, and both of them felt the rain drops hitting their heads get more consistent.

"Uh, Emma?" Norman got her attention, meanwhile he looked all around them and took note of the increasing raindrops that collided with the ground. She perked up at the sound of her name, and turned a little to face him, "Yeah?"

"Don't you think that if its raining, maybe being at an exposed park is not the smartest idea?" He proposed, slowing his pace in order to get her to slow down as well, which she complied, and stopped in front of him. She looked up, then back at him, "Maybe... but it might not even rain that hard!"

As if on cue, the rain suddenly picked up the pace, and they were both being drenched with water. Emma began to giggle, as she let go of Norman's hand to move her hair out of her face, "Its fine! The park is covered anyways!" She half yelled, trying to be heard over the hundreds of consecutive drops splashing all around them.

"Yeah, covered by trees!" Norman said, "That means its gonna be worse!"

"Then lets find somewhere else!" Emma responded.

Suddenly, the low, rumbling sound of thunder was heard, causing the two to immediately lock eyes.

"Nevermind! We shouldn't be out here!" She yelled, once again grabbing onto Norman's hand, and this time running in the direction they came from, "What do we do?!"

Norman thought for a second, "My house is the closest! Just go there!"

And just like that, the two were running in the hard rain, occasionally hearing thunder. It was quite an amusing scene, really, as it was clear that Emma was partially dragging Norman behind her.

The rain seemed to get harder, but that was just because they were running, and soon Norman's house was back into sight. They reached it, and dodged underneath the covered porch, before Emma turned back to the boy, "Yay! We made it!"

Their arrival was marked with a loud, booming sound of thunder, which sounded closer than any previous one had. As it boomed, Emma couldn't help but get startled, and she jumped. Norman saw this, and laughed to himself, causing her to give him a dirty look.

Norman had opened the door, and let her in before him. She walked in, and immediately scanned the place.

"Woah! I've never been in here before!!" She said loudly, as if forgetting that the hard rain was no longer as loud inside.

"I didn't exactly think this would be your first time visiting, so forgive me if things are messy." He warned, before stepping ahead of her, "Come on, want something to drink?"

"I don't mind," She said, "And also, yeah!"

He led her to the kitchen, noticing that she was still scanning everywhere they went. It was as if this was the first time that it clicked in his mind, that she was inside of his house. And to make matters worse, this was supposed to be the day he confesses to her. He thought that if he confessed here, it might have been a little more awkward than if they were at, say, the park, or almost anywhere else.

"Just take whatever from the fridge," He told her, giving her a smile before motioning towards the appliance. She nodded, and looked inside. Norman took in the scene in front of him, which was just Emma diving into his fridge, but he didn't think this would be happening today. What was he even supposed to do? Does he invite her to his room? What if thats awkward?

Well, it might not be that awkward, he thought to himself. Isn't that what everyone does when they have company over? Yeah, of course thats what you do, then in that case, it wouldn't be that awkward, right?

He started to second guess himself soon after. What would they even do in his room? Talk? Watch television? Would it be harder to find the right time to tell her how he feels if they are in his room? Or would it be easier? Why is this so complicated?

"Your kitchen is so big! A whole table fits in here!" She said, somehow being amazed by.. the kitchen? She looked around, and then looked back at him, "My kitchen is so tiny, you can't even have the dishwasher and the oven open at the same time."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" He asked, laughing. She shrugged, then continued to look around. She eventually took a seat at the table, on the opposite side so she could continue to face the boy.

"I'd love to have a kitchen like this! I bet its easy to bake and stuff."

"Yeah, I'd say so. We actually made some cookies like two days ago, I think we still have some leftover actually." He said, going towards the fridge, "You want one?"

"Yes!!" She said, "Are they chocolate chip?"

Norman reached into the fridge, and pulled out a tiny bag of what were clearly chocolate chip cookies, he held them up and smiled.

"Yay!" She said, her excitement being very obvious. Norman couldn't help but smile at this energy of hers, it was so contagious, and he loved it. He gave her a cookie, to which she gladly bit into.

"How are these still this good after two days? Are you some kind of wizard??" She asked, probably exaggerating.

"You can thank Rosalia for that, shes the one thats been teaching me how to make stuff." He said, taking a seat at the table directly opposing the girl.

He began to access all that was going on. So far, everything seems to be going well. Emma is happy, and he hasn't done anything bad or embarrassing yet. But, he knew the hard part was coming, and he knew that he couldn't put off his confession for long, or else it would never happen, and he did not want to make that mistake.

Norman had decided that this was as good a time as ever to escort her to his room, and hopefully that'll force him to find the courage to finally tell her what he has been meaning to say. He took a deep breath, and stood up from his seat, which earned a confused look from Emma.

"Do you wanna go upstairs to my room now?"


We hit #1 in #Noremma???? Omg i love you guys🥺

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