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His hair still dripping wet, Norman made his way back to his room, with a towel draping over his head. He opened the door, revealing his redheaded girlfriend laying in his bed.

"Oh hiii!" She exclaimed, looking at the boy in the doorway, raising her hand to wave at him.

The boy smiled, as he closed the door behind him, and walked towards the bed. She was still lying down, so he sat at the foot of the bed, and proceeded to dry his hair with the towel.

Still laying down, Emma looked down towards the boy, "Your hair is wet!"

Norman stopped drying his hair, and he placed the towel down. He looked over at the girl and chuckled, "Yes, yes it is. Usually I blow dry it and whatnot, but I didn't wanna leave you alone for too long."

Seeing his hair, the girl giggled, "You got rid of your bedhead!"

Confused, Norman felt through his hair, "I had bedhead?"

She nodded, "You did! It was like.." She motioned towards her own head, and made a wide motion with her hands, as if telling him that his hair was everywhere.

He scoffed, "That has to be an exaggeration. My hair is never like that!"

"But it was!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up and over her head, "Although, it was pretty cute."

"Cute?" He asked, still looking over at the girl laying in his bed, "But you said it was all messy!"

"Exactly!" Emma exclaimed yet again, "Its cute like that!"

She rose from where she lied, and sat up next to the boy, "But then again, its always cute!"

Norman gave her a questioning look, "Is not."

"Is too!" She retorted back, smiling.

The white haired boy chuckled and shook his head, "Well, whatever it is, this is probably the driest I'll get it without blow drying it. Do you wanna go out now?"

Upon hearing this, the girl threw herself back onto the bed, "The bed is too comfy for us to leave!"

Norman scoffed once more, "Hey wait, you mean to tell me that you woke me up, just to steal my bed?"

She pulled the sheet from behind Norman, and she pulled it over her, "Nope! But then I realized how comfy your bed is."

He put his arms up in confusion, "So I could have been asleep this whole time?" He said, now leaning over the girl, he pulled the sheet off of her, "Not happening. You woke me up, we're going!"

Feeling the sudden loss of warmth, Emma groaned, "I was comfy!"

Having pulled the entire sheet off of her, Norman laughed, "Cool. Now get up! Lets goo!"

The redhead groaned once more, before pushing herself off of the bed, now sitting up. Standing over her, the white haired boy extended his hand for her to grab onto, and he pulled her up.

"But that was warm! I'm cold" She whined, giving Norman an idea. He went into his closet, and after searching for a few seconds, he emerged with one of his sweaters. It was the sweater that she had received from him oh so long ago, when they went to the park the first time. He brought it over to her, and as soon as she saw it, she eagerly took it.

"Ooh!" She exclaimed, putting the sweater over her head. She put her arms through, and let it fall over the rest of her. Just like before, it was big on her due to their height difference, but Norman thought it was cute.

"Now," He said, as he walked before her, extending his hand out yet again for her to take it, "You have no more excuses. So, shall we?"


(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now