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Norman sort of looked forward to whenever he'd get to go to Emma's house, but he didn't exactly think it would happen this way. He never really imagined what the occasion would be, he kind of just assumed it would happen at some point.

He closed the door behind him, and he then turned in front to face Emma. She faced him for a second, before she diverted her eyes diagonally, and turned away. It was clear and obvious that she did not want to look him in the eyes, and that definitely worried him. He figured that this was proof that he really had messed up big in some way, but in what way?

"Just follow me." She said, not looking back after that, and instead continuing forward. Norman felt his heart skip a beat as he heard her voice for the second time in over two days. Not responding back verbally, he followed after her.

She led him down the hall, which he assumed was in the direction of her room, and he found that he was correct once she rounded the corner and opened a door. She motioned for him to enter, which he complied with a nod.

This entire exchange has been a silent one, except for the few words she spoke a bit ago. Emma motioned for him to sit down on her bed, which was in the corner opposing the door. She, however, stayed beside the door, waiting for him to take a seat. Confused, Norman complied, and took a seat on the bed, looking up at Emma with worry.

She stayed silent for a little while, but eventually she sighed, and spoke, "I just want you to know that I am very sorry for just.. leaving you like that. I feel really bad about that."

She looked as though she was planning on continuing this talk of hers, so Norman stayed silent for a moment longer, until she started to speak again.

"That was probably not.. who am I kidding? That was definitely not the best decision of mine. It probably made you feel bad, and I totally understand if you hate me." She still avoided eye contact.

"What?" Norman asked, "Why would I hate you? I could never hate you, Emma. If anything, I was kind of scared that maybe it was the other way around.." He admitted.

Emma perked up at this, and her tone shifted more towards her normal tone, "I'd never hate you! If anything, I think I've given you more reason to hate me than you have ever done to me.."

"You think that just because of one misunderstanding, that I'd hate you?" He asked, his tone and voice faltering, "I wasn't even thinking about how I feel, I just wanted you to be okay."

"Norman.. it's more than just the misunderstanding.." She started, looking down as she rubbed her shoulder nervously, "I.. I don't even think you know the real reason you would hate me.."

"Th-The real reason? Emma, what are you even talking about? You didn't do anything!" Norman exclaimed, he was very confused at what she could be possibly hinting towards. If she had done something bad to him, wouldn't he know?

"I uh.." She trailed off, as if deep into whatever she was trying to communicate, "Once I tell you this.. theres no going back.."

Norman couldn't think of what possibly could be wrong. What does she need to tell him, and why is she so convinced that he'll hate her?

"No matter what you say," He started, his voice no longer faltering so much, "I'd never hate you, Emma. Never."

Emma sighed, and she shook her head, closing her eyes. After getting a good look at her face, Norman saw.. tears in her eyes? He has never seen her cry before, and the sight of it made his heart break.

"Norman I.. I knew I knew you from somewhere.." She said, her voice very obviously shaky due to the tears that were now streaming down her face. She sighed, and she began to walk towards the drawer that was beside the closet. Norman watched, confused at whatever she was doing. She opened the top drawer, and reached inside. She paused for a moment, before she took a deep breath, and pulled something out.

"I figured that uh, I figured you didn't remember, when I thought back to your response..." She said, now finally turning to him, "And I knew that thats why you didn't hate me.. But I didn't feel right keeping it from you."

Remember? What could Norman possibly not remember that involves her?

Emma then walked over to Norman, and held out her hand, which was held into a fist as she clenched something, "Give me your hand."

He did as he was asked, and at first she hesitated, but after two seconds, she opened her hand into his, giving him the object.

Before he could say anything, he got a good look at the object, and when he finally got this look, he felt his heart sink.

It was a necklace. Not just any necklace however, it was half of a heart, with the letters "MISE" written on it. Noting its familiarity, Norman was speechless, she.. has the other half of his necklace.

"Norman.." Emma started, hovering right above him, "I think I know you.."

Norman looked up from the necklace, and into her eyes, but this time, she didn't divert her gaze. He studied her expression, and her features, and as if they were in some kind of drama, he suddenly remembered the familiarity of her.

"Emma.." He was completely speechless, he knew her before? But when? He has had this necklace since-

"Yeah, I know, you probably still don't remember everything.." She started, then she broke eye contact and looked away, "And maybe thats why you still don't hate me."

"But why would this make me hate you?" He asked, "What could this possibly mean that is so bad?"

Emma shook her head, and she started to laugh in guilt, more tears streaming down her face, "Because I caused you so much pain! You were my best friend.. one of my only friends, and because of that, you got made fun of all the time.."

Realization suddenly hit him.

"Emma.. w-were you.. were you the girl I was best friends with in that.. home?" He asked hesitantly.

She nodded, finally having conveyed the truth to him, "I-I don't like to tell people I was in that system.. but here I am, running into my old best friend from it.."

He didn't remember much, but he did remember being bullied for liking the pretty girl. Is that what she was talking about?

"Emma," He said, pulling her arm gently to motion for her to sit beside him, which she hesitantly complied with, "Thats not your fault, not even in the slightest. People were always mean to me, and if they wouldn't have been mean to me about you, they would have found another reason. I wouldn't hate you for this, not even in the slightest."

She looked into his eyes, the tears had slowed, "I just.. I feel terrible, I always felt terrible about all that happened to you.. and when I found out that it was you I just.. I didn't know what to do."

Norman smiled, and he put his hand on her shoulder, "I'm okay, I promise. I barely remember all that happened, but all I do remember from you was just.. this feeling of happiness. I cared for you a lot Emma, you were one of my only friends growing up."

She nodded, and then diverted her eyes, "I-If you don't hate me.. th-then can I say something?"

"Yeah? You can say anything you want." He said, the same reassuring smile still on his face.

She took a deep breath, "Maybe this isn't a good idea.. but I think I.. I liked you when we were younger, a lot.."

Norman's heart felt like it skipped a beat, his childhood crush.. just admitted to liking him back.

"Emma, I liked you back then, too.."

The redhead took another deep breath, "And I think.. I think I like you now too.."

Norman had no idea what to say. Of course he knew he liked her, but.. how does he say that?

"Em.." He said, putting his other arm around her waist, keeping his right one on her shoulder, "I really like you too."

"Then.." Emma started, her face turning red, "Is it okay if.. can I kiss you?"

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now