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After Ray leaves, the room is silent for about five seconds. These five seconds are, arguably, the longest five seconds either of the two have ever experienced. Norman scans the room, and his eyes fall on Emma, and he scans her as well, taking note of her crazy, somewhat poofy, but definitely cute, orange hair. From what he has seen of her personality so far, he thinks her hair matches her very, very well. It captures her essence. He loves it,

Er, that sounded a little weird to him. He's definitely beginning to think he is a weird, kind of creepy person, with the way he is watching her. Only, he isn't watching her, just..observing her.

Oh no, now that just sounds like he is a stalker, which means he is even more of a creep. No, no he isn't a creep, he is only taking note of her and her features. Is it a crime to pay such close attention to someone?

Also, is it creepy to say that she smells very nice, like a light strawberry scent? Yeah that's totally creepy, he is definitely a creep. Well, thats what he thinks, anyways.

Little did he know, though, that Emma was somewhat doing the same thing. She had noticed his interesting eyes earlier, such a unique color they were, but very pretty , especially when shone upon by sunlight. She also took note of his white hair, and how it took a lot of willpower to not be weird and touch his hair.

She couldn't help but to hold his hand when she got the chance, and to take every opportunity to talk to him or be near him.

She's never really felt so close to someone that she's known for less than a day before. This is certainly a new thing. All matters aside, it was generally agreed upon that she is a very pretty girl. She is athletic, and she has the most bubbly personality you could ever come across, so surely, many guys have liked her. But what makes Norman so different?

Its as if she hasn't only known him a day, its like she has known him forever. But thats impossible, obviously.

Emma turned to him, and she caught his eye. And they stared at each other for a solid two seconds, before Norman got flustered and looked away.

Norman now believes that he is even weirder than before. Not only was he watching her, but she caught him doing so! She definitely knows he's weird, theres no covering this one up!

Not that he ever believed he had a shot, but if he even had the tiniest amount of one, its probably gone. Girls don't like creeps, thats just a well known fact, and he is definitely being one!

Or, thats what he thinks.

Not the whole "girls don't like creeps" part, that is definitely true.

The room stays silent a little bit longer, before finally, after what seemed like an eternity.

"So, how was your first day?" Emma asked, with enthusiasm in her voice, "Wait, I asked that already.."

Norman laughs, "Ahh its okay" He could tell she is a little embarrassed, and wonders why she is. He definitely knows why he was, but why should she be?

"Wellll then, whatcha think about us?" She looks up to look him in the eyes, and that is when he turns to face her, kind of out of obligation, but he isn't complaining. "You guys?" She nods, and he thinks about it.

"I think you guys are really cool."

"Oh? What about everyone else? Did you meet others?"

"Yeah, but I think you guys were the coolest."

Emma exclaims, "Yay!" And goes in to hug him. This definitely catches him off guard, one second she was over there, and now she is over here?

It takes him a moment to process, but after a bit, he wraps his arm around her and hugs her back.

"I know I just met you, but I think you are really cool too!"

My, is he ever so grateful that she cannot see his face right now, because from that statement alone, he has turned red. He isn't one to blush, so why is he doing so now?

He isn't too sure of why, but all he knows is that she is really special.

"Wow, I don't think anyone has said that to me in a long time." Norman responds.

This causes Emma to pull her head away from his shoulder where she buried it previously, and she looked directly up at him.

"What? Really? How? You are amazing!"

Norman might have been able to think of a response, that is, if only her face wasn't so close to his. He is looking directly into her eyes, and they are literally only inches apart. How is he supposed to be expected to function properly, with her face being so close to his? Its just not possible.

They were only like that for about two seconds, but wow, did that give Norman butterflies in his stomach. This time there was no hiding the redness flooding his face.

"I don't know how nobody else could have not seen how cool you are." Emma said, shifting her body to where she was no longer hugging him, but instead leaning her head on his shoulder.

"I guess nobody else thinks so." Norman said, "I also haven't exactly been around the best of people my whole life, a lot of them were kind of mean."

"How could anyone be mean to you? Thats stupid!"

Norman isn't exactly used to being regarded in a positive manner, so this entire exchange is certainly an odd one. Its also unexpected, its not every day that a cute girl compliments you a whole bunch of times in the same sitting.

Its a nice change for once. He's beginning to feel like there might truly be a place for him in a world where he doesn't even have a place in a family.

"I don't know, not many people are nice to me." Norman starts, then he looks down at the top of Emma's head, "But I like that you are."

Norman never would have even believed that he is making her blush as well. She just seems like such a composed and collected to him, despite her zany personality.

But there she is, her cheeks red and her mouth curled into a compressed smile she can't contain.

They stay like that for a little while, but this time the silence isn't awkward, its more peaceful than before. Its a comforting silence, for sure. Both of them feel content in a certain way that can't entirely be described, but it certainly hasn't been felt by either of them in a long, long time.

Its in this moment that the gears in Norman's intelligent, but also thick head, begin to turn, and he slowly comes to the realization that he likes Emma. No, he doesn't just think shes cute, its become more than that now. He feels really happy with her, she just makes him feel wanted, and safe. Thats more than he has had in a long time.

The silence is broken, when Emma looks back up at him, and their heads are again, only inches apart like they were before.

"Hey, Norman.." She starts. She drifts off, but is about to say something else, when the door swings open, and Ray is standing at the doorway.

"She just wanted me to- hey wait what-"

Emma jumps away from Norman suddenly out of impulse, which of course makes the situation appear to be more..suspicious. Norman's face is red, and so is Emma's. Ray can tell they are both flustered, and has no idea what has gone on since his departure from the room.

"Uhhh..Okay?" Ray says, still somewhat shocked and at a loss of words.

The room is once again filled with awkwardness.

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now