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A bit of time has passed now, both Norman and Emma were still confined to the boundaries of Ray's room. This is definitely not how Norman thought his Sunday would go. He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, while Emma was laying on the floor beside him, her legs propped up on the bed.

"So you really aren't gonna tell me whats going on, huh?" The white haired boy asked again, looking down at the redhead lying beside him.

She giggled, "Nope!"

He rolled his eyes and set his arms down, "Yeah, I figured, doesn't hurt to ask though."

"Why don't you figure it out, hmm?" She asked, in a sort of taunting way, "You figured out that something was up, can't you figure out what it isss?"

He sighed, "I had enough information to figure out something was up, but I have no idea what it could be." He looked up, "And you won't let up."

Emma giggled, "And I still won't! I'm not going to crack this time, you already know too much anyways."

Norman thought to himself for a second, then suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and he looked back down at the girl, "Really? You really aren't going to let up?"

"Nope!" She smiled, "Never."

"Really? Never? Not even if I.." He drifted off, leaning down over her, connecting their lips. It is interesting really, just a little while ago, he wouldn't dare get so close to her, nor would he have made such risky moves. But now, they were dating, and she's made it clear that she wouldn't hate him for such things.

After a few seconds, he sat back up, breaking the kiss. He looked down at her and smiled.

She grinned in response, "Hehe, still no! I told you, I'm not letting up."

Norman gasped, "Oh really now? Not even that? Wow.. okay then." He said, crossing his arms, faking that he was insulted.

Emma laughed, putting her hand on his hand, "I meaann, just because I won't tell you, doesn't mean that you can't still kiss me.."

He gave her a side look, "Okay," and he leaned down once more, but instead of kissing her, he only whispered to her, "Change of plans. I won't kiss you until you tell me."

"WOW!" She exclaimed, causing him to start laughing, "Thats so unfair! I'm only doing my job!"

The white haired boy shrugged, "I think its pretty unfair that I don't get to know anything, so I'd say we're even at this point." He purposefully looked away from her, but from the corner of his eye, he could see that she was still surprised by the whole thing.

She tried to find words, but she couldn't. She wanted to argue against what he was saying, but he was kind of right, its unfair on both ends, isn't it? But she'd never admit defeat.

But Norman knew this, "You can't even argue with that either."

She continued to scramble to speak, "Bu-!.. Its unfair!"

"Yeah, I know this."

She huffed, "Hymph..can I at least get one more kiss?"

"Nope! I'm not letting up, just like someone else won't.." He taunted, mimicking her.

She only gasped, "Wow!" She scooted herself up, bringing her legs to the floor, so that she was sitting up facing Norman, "You're so mean!"

He smiled, "Only to you, of course."

The redhead pouted, "Come onnn, I'm only doing my job! You know I'd tell you if I could!"

Of course, he knew this, and he thought for a moment. Could he really punish her for following, what he assumes to be, Ray's orders? There must be some reason behind all of this, how could he punish her for being a good co-conspirator? Well, more like an amateur, because she already gave away too much, but thats not the point.

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now