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It was a nice afternoon. It was bright and sunny, which meant that it was also pretty warm out, and this made for the perfect day out.

Norman was fixing his hat in place while looking in the mirror, when his phone buzzed on the counter, he already knew who it was. He has learned his lesson, and he made sure to be ready an hour before he said he would be.

It was now Saturday once more, and coupled with the top notch weather, this made it the perfect day to go out. Where? The park, like usual. If Norman was being honest, he had no idea how to do this whole "date" thing, so he had no idea where else to take her. Its not like the park has ever failed them before, though. Well, technically it did that last time, with the rain..

Knowing how impatient Emma can get, Norman did one last inspection of himself in the mirror, quickly swiped his phone off of the counter, and made his way downstairs. However, he had reached the top of the stairs, and saw..


"Emma?" He asked, "How did you get inside?"

"I let her in," Rosalia spoke, suddenly appearing as Norman walked further down, "I was on my way to work, and I opened the door, and I found this cute redhead on the doorstep!"

He stopped at the last step, observing the scene before him. How long had she been down there? She texted him about a minute ago, but he hadn't seen the message yet. He took a glance at his phone.

Emma: I'm hereeeee :) come downn!

Emma: Oh wait nevermind I'm inside already!

Oh. So she had actually already been inside for at least a full minute. Yikes, thats a lot of time for discussion.

"You sure know how to pick em, Norman, this ones a cutie!"

Emma beamed up at the woman, "Thank you!" Then suddenly, her expression changed into one of realization, "Oh Norman! Do you have it??" She ran up to him, and pulled at the top of her shirt, revealing the promise necklace hanging off of her neck.

"I'm heading out now, have fun!" Rosalia spoke as she left. Norman looked up, waved, then turned his gaze back down at the redhead standing in front of him.

"Oh, I have that upstairs."

"Lets go get it!" She exclaimed excitedly, to which he then nodded, and went back upstairs, with her following closely.

They went up to his room, and he went into his drawer to find the necklace. It wasn't hard to find, he was able to pull it out after a few seconds of searching.

Excitedly, Emma walked up to him, and took his necklace from his hand. She held it up to her own, and placed them together, looking at the word "Promise" spelled out before them.

"Yay, they're together!" The redhead said once more in excitement, as she let go of hers, letting it fall gently against her chest, and held the other one up, slipping it around Norman's neck. Once it was placed, she put them together one last time, except this time, both were being worn.

"Yeah.." Norman started, his eyes still on Emma, "That, they are." And with that, he leaned down and in for a sudden kiss, which was soon reciprocated. He wrapped his arms around her, causing her to also hold onto him in return. They stayed like that for a little while, enjoying the moment and each other's presence.

Pulling away, Norman chuckled, "So, ready to go now?"


"I win!" Emma exclaimed, having reached the top of the park set first. She looked behind her, and saw an exhausted Norman still on the ground floor. He huffed, "No fair, you had a head start!"

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now