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Ever since arriving, Norman has felt excited to go to school. Thats all he's felt about it lately. He was only excited thinking of it.

But now he is standing in front of school. And now a new emotion has arisen: nervousness.

Rosalia had dropped him off in front and wished him luck. She told him to contact her if he needed anything. He didn't know what to expect. He isn't exactly antisocial, but he also isn't the most outgoing person either. How will the people be? Will things be hard? Will he meet anyone cool?

Will he get the hang of this whole "high school" thing?

After checking the time, he figured that the only way to find out was to try it. He takes a deep breath, puts his phone in his pocket, and walks in.

He first heads to the office to get his schedule just like planned. In order to ensure success, his schedule would be necessary. He had to wait a second for the secretary to grab it, so he sat down for a second. He sat in the same spot he sat in the previous day while waiting for the testing. The longer he sat, the more nervous he felt. For about four minutes he sat, basically marinating in his anxiety. There were more people passing by than the previous day, probably because school has yet to start.

After a bit, the secretary brings him the schedule, and gives him directions to the first class. Norman thanks her and goes on his way.

The campus isn't big, but compared to someone who really has never been to a campus, its pretty size-able. The bell rung two minutes prior, so there isn't too many people out. He gets to walk all by himself, going someplace he never has before. Thats fun.

He gets to the building, and scouts around it to find the specific room. He finds it, and stands there for a few seconds. He takes a deep breath, and opens the door.

"I was wondering where you were." The teacher says. He's tall, and seems to be in his late 20s. He seems cool at first impression.

"Sorry, I had to wait to get my schedule." Norman says as he enters the room. He takes a look around, and sees the others.

"Of course, no worries. I'm Mr. Cruz. Nothings started yet. Now lets figure out where we'll put you." The teacher scans the room.

"Hey Cruz, theres a spot back here!" A boy in the back says. Mr Cruz nods, "Okay, you can go to the back besides Don. Don, keep your hand up so he sees you."

Norman walks over, all eyes are on him. He gets to the back and takes a seat.

Don offers his hand, and Norman takes it.

"Hello, I'm Don, who are you?"

"My names Norman." He says. Theres a group of people at the table, and Norman knows none of them.

He does however, recognize two of them from the previous day.

"Hey look Emma, its the guy that saw you fall."

"Shut up Ray!"

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself? Oh wait, you already made quite an impression, never mind."


Norman couldn't help but chuckle at the pair. He found them amusing.

"You're so mean, Ray" Another girl says before laughing.

"Guys hes new! He probably thinks we're weird"

"Don you are probably the weirdest one here, stop talking."

"Ray i swear-"

"Lovely entrance, isn't that right?" Mr Cruz says as he walks by, "Come on guys, how hard is it to just introduce yourselves?"

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now