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"Hmm.. I guess this is the part where I walk you downstairs?"

Ray had just informed the two that it was time to head downstairs. But at this point, the plan had been bent so far out of shape, Emma had no idea what she was supposed to do. Does she walk him downstairs, just like that? And where are they even going? Ray had explained this all to her, but after the plan changed, she had no idea what she was to do now. Should she play it safe and stick to the original plan?

Norman looked at her, "How am I supposed to know? Shouldn't you know this part?"

He had a point, she was supposed to know this part. Why was she asking him what she was supposed to do, when he shouldn't have even known in the first place that anything was going on?

She looked away, only thinking of how bad this was going. They had a plan, a whole plan, and it was thrown off from the start. Ever since she found out it was going to be his birthday, she had immediately gotten everyone in on this plan, wanting to do something special for the boy, after all, he was pretty special to her.

And the fact that he has never even mentioned his birthday to anyone, that only made her want to do this even more. She's never asked about it, but she's willing to bet he's never been able to have a nice birthday, so she committed to doing that for him. She did everything right on her end, she even kept it a secret despite him being suspicious, why must the universe be this way? Knowing all that he does, he probably knows whats going on, she thought, and she didn't like that. Whats a surprise when its already known?

Emma chuckled nervously, "Yeah, I guess I should know this part." She continued to think. There was no point in stressing over how wrong things have turned out, but she still can figure out how to make things better. Theres a chance he has no idea whats going on, after all, he doesn't even know that they know when his birthday is. Suddenly, she was filled with determination, and the only thing she was determined to do was to make today the best it could be, even despite all of the setbacks.

After thinking for a moment, she had an idea, "Okay, at this point what do you know?"

Norman thought for a moment, "I know that whatever this is, I wasn't supposed to know about it, so I'm going to assume its for me."

She took in this information, then she nodded, "Alright, so since you already know that, I'm gonna need you to close your eyes when we go downstairs, and I'll lead the way!" With that, she stood up, and extended her hand out to the boy still sitting on the floor, "I'll be like, your guide!"

The white haired boy looked up at the redhead standing above him, and with a smile and a nod, he gladly took her hand, and stood up as well. Now standing, and looking down at her, it was as if he could feel her excitement radiating off of her.

"Okay, I trust your guiding skills."

"I hope so." The girl said, giggling, "Now lets actually go this time!"

They made their way to the entrance of the room, and once they went into the hallway, she motioned for him to close his eyes. She would have covered them for him, since thats more effective, but its a little hard to guide someone, and cover their eyes at the same time, particularly because of their height difference. Holding his hand, she led him down the stairs slowly, and soon the first floor was in sight, and so was everyone else.

Ray, Don, and Gilda were all downstairs waiting. Ray looked at the two coming downstairs, and he then looked back to the other two, and motioned for them to move places. Gilda went into the kitchen, while Don went behind the wall directly to the left of the entryway, waiting for the moment to pop out. Ray had stayed in front.

"Mmmm.. okay! Open your eyes!" Emma exclaimed, and Norman followed orders.

He opened his eyes, and in the same instant that he saw everyone standing around him, he also was.. attacked by confetti? Don had been holding a confetti blaster, and had set it off immediately upon Norman's first glance.

This sudden pop startled him, but he soon realized what it was, as he saw confetti on his clothing. Emma giggled, running her hand through his confetti-laced hair, ruffling it, "Happy birthday!"

Norman looked down confusedly, "But.. its not my birthday?"

"Yeah, we know, its tuesday," Ray started, "But you can't expect us to celebrate on a tuesday. So we did today instead."

The confetti covered boy nodded, that did make sense, and even though he still had more questions, he decided to just accept it. He smiled, "Wow.. thanks you guys. I really appreciate it."

The downstairs living room had been somewhat transformed, there was a few decorations that lined the roof, and there was a box laying on the counter, the same box Emma had earlier put on her porch. He would definitely have to ask her how they managed everything later on.

"Come look!" Gilda exclaimed from the kitchen, "Come look at what Emma made you earlier."

Emma made him something? Curiously, he went into the kitchen where Gilda was, and she was standing in front of a small prop, she moved out of the way, and on top of it was a cake. It was kind of tall, probably a three layer, and the outer frosting was a blue and white swirl. The way it looked, Norman could easily tell she put a lot of effort into it, and it made him smile.

"I was up really early this morning to complete it!" Emma exclaimed, obviously proud of her work. Norman looked back at the smiling redhead, and he hugged her as she approached him, as a show of his gratitude.

"Me and Emma also stayed up making the streamers and decorations," Gilda chimed in.

This earned confusion from the boy, "What do you mean?"

"At like, seven last night, Emma called us all up and informed us it was your birthday pretty soon," Ray explained, still standing across from the kitchen.

Gilda nodded, "So I went over and stayed the night at her house, and we stayed up making all of this."

They stayed up doing this? And she got up early to make the cake? Norman looked back at Emma, whom he was still hugging, once more, "You did all that? How many hours of sleep did you even get?"

"None at all!" She exclaimed, somehow sounding proud of that? Is not getting any sleep something to be proud of?

"Its true, she didn't," Gilda confirmed, "Even after we were done, she was too excited to actually sleep at all."


Don looked at the redhead in disbelief, "How do you do that? How do you just have that much energy, running on zero sleep?"

"Bet she'll crash later." Ray sneered.

"Will not!" Emma responded with in a loud tone. Ray only shrugged.

The scene before him was certainly amusing. Here he was, holding his favorite person, surrounded by all his friends who came on such short notice, and who obviously put a lot of effort into this day, with only a minimal amount of heads up. How could he have hidden his birthday from them, its very obvious he is very cared for, how could he underestimate them?

This is definitely not what he had in mind for today, but he couldn't be happier.


short n sweet.

Anyways, I've officially decided that I'll create another noremma fic after Norember ends, in a different, original AU. I'm excited for that, despite it not happening till after Norember lol

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