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They reached Norman's house soon after that, and they said their goodbyes.

"Goodnight then, Ray."

"Yeah, goodnight newbie." Ray said back.

Norman was about to turn to go to his house when Ray started back up again.

"And just remember newbie, just because I'm your wingman, that doesn't mean any promises or guarantees."

This confused Norman. Isn't a wingman supposed to help you?

"What do you mean?"

"I'll do the best I can, but you gotta remember, a lot of people like Emma. Plus, even if she likes you, she's so dense, she'd probably never even notice it, or acknowledge it."

Well. This was certainly an obstacle. This isn't exactly news to Norman however, he could somewhat tell that this was the case.

"Not meant to make you lose hope though. But also don't get your hopes up. Find a good middle ground." Ray said as he patted Norman's head, and he smirked, "Goodnight."

And with that he turned around and began to walk off, leaving Norman to stand alone in front of his porch.

Soon enough, Ray walked off down the street and out of sight. Norman finally entered his house, which he had texted Rosalia to keep unlocked for him.


Its been almost a week since Norman met everyone, a week since he first realized he liked Emma, and of course, a week since that conversation with Ray. You know, THAT conversation.

Things haven't been too interesting since then. He has gotten more settled into the school routine, he hangs out with the other two on an almost daily basis, and things seem really good.

Well also, the flirting has still been going on. You know, the usual, Emma hugging on Norman more than everyone else, grabbing his hand at most opportunities, but she never typically goes past this level. To some people, this might be a clear sign that someone likes you.

But not to Norman, who is busy questioning everything. Sometimes people do these things with their friends, right? Therefore, this could mean anything, and THEREFORE it is not solid proof that she likes him.

Of course, there is the possibility that maybe, just maybe, she does like him, but Norman doesn't see it that way. He sees that she is just being friendly, with no romantic liking whatsoever. And other then the hopeful "what if she actually does," he is pretty set in this idea.

Its the weekend now, Saturday morning. Norman sat at his desk, kind of bored, he just finished a book that had taken him a week to finish. Usually it doesn't take him that long to finish a book, but he has been pretty busy with school, and also with his new friends. He walks with Emma and Ray home, and they oftentimes stop at a park, or just spend forever talking. One time, Don and Gilda even tagged along, and they were out for a while that night, just hanging out and having fun. He rarely has time to read anymore.

But he couldn't be happier, so he doesn't mind the lost reading time.

He is thinking of finding a new book to read, when suddenly his phone chimes. He looks, and its Emma. He was added to a group chat which had Emma, Ray, Gilda and Don.

Emma: Guys I'm bored :(

Another chime goes off.

Ray: Do your homework.

Emma: You are no fun.

Don: We had homework??

Ray: Yes..

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now