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"But, what's the point in having a wingman if you just don't have a chance at all?" Norman asked, "You can't make a miracle."

Ray pondered to himself, the boy did have a point, Ray cannot create a miracle. But maybe he wouldn't need a miracle.

"Yeah I suppose that is true..but I doubt we'll need one."

Norman shook his head, of course they would need a miracle! At this rate, he may as well make himself at home in the friendzone, since it appeared that he would be there for quite a while. Ray may be smart, but can be trust his judgement on this one, when there is tons of evidence against him?

"What do you mean? We definitely need one.."

The raven haired boy looked up at him once again, "Not if what I'm planning works."

A plan? Oh boy, that certainly scared him, what would he do? With his luck, things would just be made worse.

"Planning?" Norman asked, "A plan? What are you doing now?"

Ray was thinking of a response when suddenly his phone went off. It was a direct message from Gilda.

Gilda: Dude! I think I did something!!!

'This should be good' Ray thought to himself.

Ray: What? What did you do?

Gilda: I'm pretty sure Emma just admitted to liking him

In one day, Gilda managed to do what nobody else could. Ray had to be kind of jealous of this power of hers.

"Wait who are you texting?" Norman asked, since he was completely ignoring him. The black haired boy kept his nose in his phone and continued to ignore the other boy in the room.

Ray: How did you do that? I couldn't even do that!

Gilda: Its simple, I just asked her how she felt about him.

Ray: Oh, I never thought to do that..

Gilda: And this is why you needed my help.

Ray: It doesn't matter how or who did it! What matters is that we are doing it.

Gilda: You wouldn't be saying that if YOU were the successful one

Ray: and this is why I was hesitant on asking for your help. You are very mean. Anyways, what exactly did she even say?

Gilda: She just said the usual stuff. She likes being around him and stuff, and she called him cute.

Gilda: And no, I am not mean!

Ray: Interesting. But yeah, you are totally mean.

Gilda: I am not! Anyways I gotta go, Emma's getting pretty suspicious since I never text people.

Ray: Yeah, Norman's been trying to get my attention. He's kind of annoying when he is persistent.

"I know you hear me!"

"Oh my god okay hello." Ray said with an attitude, looking up after putting his phone down.

"So? What were you doing that you had to ignore me?"

"Sheesh, thats the last time I do anything for you.."

Norman was confused for a second, then realized what he likely meant, "Wait, who was that?"

"Who was what?" Ray asked, playing dumb.

"The person that was messaging you! It seemed suspicious.."

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now