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"Well, what did I tell you guys? I was right."

The day had gone on, and everyone was having fun. It had only been a few hours since the surprise, and everyone was gathered in Ray's living room, spread out around the room. Ray was sitting in a singular chair off in the corner, Don and Gilda were both sitting on the floor beside the couch, and Norman was sitting on the couch, with a certain redhead lying across the entire couch asleep, her head on his lap.

"Yeah, she was bound to crash at some point. She's been up since early Saturday morning." Norman said, continually brushing back the sleeping girl's hair with his hand, admiring its texture.

"Pshh," Don spoke up, "Thats weak sauce. I've done three days straight before." He spoke as if proud of his accomplishment.

"Its not a competition!" Gilda scolded him, raising her voice only so high, as to not wake up Emma.

Ray shook his head at the two from across, when the heck would they finally get together? Don was reckless, Gilda was probably the most responsible out of everyone, it was the perfect match, really.  The raven haired boy also looked up at the couch, where Emma was asleep peacefully on Norman, who only looked down at her lovingly. They really were perfect for each other. Ray liked to think that pairing was partially his doing, and he's never even received a thank you, or any expression of gratitude from the boy. What good is being the best wingman, if you have no recognition for it?

Norman couldn't help but smile to himself as he gazed down at the girl, the girl he was now certain that he loved. It was love, that was what he felt when he looked down at the girl. Love was what he felt every time she smiled, every time she hugged and kissed him, and every time he got to gaze into her eyes, although they are now closed. How did someone like him get the chance to love someone as amazing as her? He'll never understand it, but never will he complain about it.

He still could not believe she did all of this for him. In less than twenty four hours she called everyone up and convinced them to do this for him, who else would be willing to do that for him? Has he ever even had anyone else that would do that for him before he moved here? She was truly something amazing.

Ray continued to study the two. It was moments like this, where Ray sometimes believes he doesn't need a thank you, maybe the satisfaction of seeing them happy is enough. He often thinks of how much the two have grown. Norman was more timid in the beginning, and he was so hopeless when it came to anything romantic. He's definitely seen the change in him.

But the one who he's gotten to see change the most, was Emma. He still remembers how scared she was, when he first met her as smaller children. If anyone knew the most of what she's been through, it was Ray, and despite how much he makes fun of her, or however many times they argue, he loves her, and sees her like a sister. To see her how she is now, it makes him genuinely happy. But will he ever say that out loud? Nah, he'll just keep capping on them like always.

Norman took this as an opportunity to ask, "Hey guys, how did she even find out about my birthday in the first place? I didn't tell her yesterday."

The boy singled out in the corner shrugged, "None of us asked. She just told us, and commanded our help, thats all."

The white haired boy nodded, looking back down at the girl he held.

"Alright, now spill," Ray began to speak once more, "Why didn't you tell us your birthday was coming up? You know Emma would have been so distraught to have missed it, plus, we'd also have liked to know."

He looked up, his hand still in Emma's hair, and he thought for a bit. Why hadn't he told them? Was he even planning on keeping it a secret till afterwards, or was he planning on subtly saying it the day of? Ray was right, knowing Emma, she definitely would have been sad at having missed it, he knew this, so why would he have chosen to continue to hide it?

"Honestly.. I have no idea. I guess I never really got to celebrate my birthday before in a nice way, so I never wanted to make it a big deal even now." He tried his best to explain it, but really, finding the words to describe it was hard, "I never had anybody to celebrate with before, so I guess I didn't think this year would be any different."

It was silent for a few seconds, but then Gilda spoke up, "How could you underestimate us like that? No, more importantly," She sat up, and pointed at Emma, "How could you underestimate HER like that? Maybe things were different before, but we're your friends, and thats your girlfriend! We all care about you.. and thats not going to change!"

Norman couldn't respond, he had no words. He couldn't have expected this response, could he? Growing up, things may have been bad, but things are different now. He always thought that bracing for things he is used to wouldn't harm anyone else, but now its clear that by doing so, he's hurting his friends. Worse, this probably would have hurt Emma too, had she been awake to know.

"Yeah, man, Gilda's right," Don broke the silence, "We all care about you here. Of course we want to celebrate with you. Had you told us before, we could have done something even better."

"We did our best with what we had, but its still only a few streamers, a cake, and a living room." Ray interjected once more, "A heads up would have been nice."

Norman took all of this in. If they are upset he never told them in advance, he could only imagine how upset they might have been if Emma had never secretly found out, and his birthday had just passed.

But this isn't them being upset at him.. well, it somewhat is, but more importantly, its them being hurt. He underestimated them, he believed nothing would be done, and that ultimately, it wasn't important. But it was.

"It doesn't matter, I still loved it." Norman said in response to Ray, "And besides.. its only a birthday, you guys."

"Birthdays are so important!" Don exclaimed, "Its the celebration of the day you were born! And we're glad you were born!"

The others nodded in agreement. Norman laughed, of course they'd see it that way. Nonetheless, even if a little absurd, Don was right, and so was everyone else.

"I suppose they are, heh," He spoke, trailing off before picking back up, "I'm sorry I underestimated you guys. I didn't mean to do that, it wasn't my intention. I just, I guess its still hard to transition to having cool friends like you guys."

"Its alright, just don't do that again!"

"Uh, you realize he can't do that again?" Ray spoke again, "Now we know when his birthday is. He can't keep it from us anymore."

Don looked around, "Uh duh, yeah I knew that.."

They all continued the conversation, but the words they spoke still remained in the back of Norman's mind. Especially as he looked down at Emma, who was still peacefully sleeping. How could he underestimate her of all people? He would definitely have to apologize to her later on.

"You know, what kind of party doesn't have food?"

"Don get out of my kitchen."

"Shouldn't we eat something?"

"Fine. I'll make something, I don't trust any of you to cook in my kitchen."

"Hey, I'm trustworthy!"

(Norman x Emma) I think I know you (TPN)Where stories live. Discover now