Chapter 9

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There was this girl, drink in her hand
Shootin' me a "let's get into trouble" grin
I ain't never seen somethin' so fine
And I was doin' anything to make her mine
I was out of my mind, she was out of this world
There was this girl

When I woke up the following morning, I was more than a little surprised to see Sam asleep next to me. I figured she would have found a way home, I certainly never expected her to stay the night.

There was nothing in the world like waking up next to a beautiful woman, especially after winning a big race the day before. I still couldn't believe Sam and I had hooked up. I was right, this girl definitely had a wild side to her, and I couldn't wait to see more of it.

I watched her while she slept. I had greatly underestimated her. She wasn't like anyone I had met before. She was gorgeous, but she was so much more than that. She was intelligent. Someone who actually used her brain rather than her looks to get ahead in life, and that alone intrigued me. Obviously she was witty and sarcastic, and admittedly I enjoyed riling her up just to see her feisty side come out. Still, there was so much more about her I wanted to know. She was very guarded. She had things in her past that she kept to herself. Was she running or hiding from something or someone from her past? That seemed to be a really touchy subject for her.

Was it so bad that I wanted her again? That last night wasn't nearly enough, that it only made me crave her more? If I made a move right now, would she resist me?

Deciding the benefit far outweighed the risk, I moved closer to her, swept her long dark hair out of the way and placed my lips on the creamy column of her neck. I placed several kisses there until her eyes fluttered open and I found myself drowning in those deep blue pools.

"Good morning." I said softly, my throat was dry and my greeting came out hoarse sounding.

"Good morning." She said, rolling over to face me. She reached out and pushed my hair off of my face. She smiled, and I was blown away by her natural beauty. How she could wake up looking so good and so soft had me instantly aroused.

For the first time since we met, there was no contempt in her eyes when she looked at me. Maybe our hookup had us turning a corner. That maybe all that talk last night about hating each other had been just talk. Here she was, naked in my bed looking so damn kissable. I had to go for it. I tentatively moved my head closer, pressing my lips gently against hers, gauging a reaction. When I felt her lips move against mine, then part slightly, I went for it, deepening the kiss, then slipping my tongue into her mouth eagerly.

I was further aroused when not only did she kiss me back, but she angled her body so that she was half on top of me, her leg draped across me, and her hand stroking along my hip. The kiss got even more intense. I was fully hard by now.

I worked my hand between us and brushed against her clit. Hearing her sharp intake of breath encouraged me to dip down lower to stroke between her folds. I wasn't the only one aroused, she was dripping wet.

She muttered curses under her breath as I slipped my finger into her, working her slowly at first, before gradually adding another finger and picking up speed. I continued to pleasure her manually, picking up on her cues: the change in her breathing, her fluttering eyelids and her walls tightening around my finger. I was not going to deny her like I did last night. I curled my fingers inside of her, and with a sinful moan escaping from her lips, a flood of wetness was released.

She let out a blissful sigh as she laid back, and I knew I needed to taste her again. I popped my fingers into her mouth, swirling my tongue around them, needing to consume every trace of her sweetness.

She was watching me through hooded eyes, a soft smile on her face.

"Was last night enough to get me out of your system, or do you need more?" I asked with what I hoped was my most winning smile.

Judging by the look on her face,this was  probably not my best choice of words. Why did I always seem to develop diarrhea of the mouth around her? I just couldn't ever seem to quit while I was ahead.

"It was more than enough. More like overkill. I'd say that definitely did the trick. Let's just call it a mutually beneficial arrangement. You got your dick wet. I got you out of my system."

She crawled out of bed and went straight into the attached bathroom, slamming the door behind her. I was at a loss of what to actually say at this point.

She returned a couple of minutes later, and began gathering her discarded clothes from the night before.

"Sam, I didn't mean it that way. Can we talk about this?" I pleaded.

"What is there to even talk about? Last night meant absolutely nothing. We both agreed to that from the very beginning." She was now glaring at me.

How do I tell her that maybe I wanted it to mean something? I had to face facts that she just wasn't in to me. She would just shoot me down, so why even bother?

I also couldn't ignore the fact that my cock was throbbing right now, but it was clear that I would not get any relief from her. I had once again completely blown it with her, and I was on my own.

Sam's POV

I winced slightly as I pulled on my skinny jeans. Definitely sore. A big reminder, though not totally unexpected from the night before. I was furious. I had finally decided to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt since the morning had started out so promising, but then he had to go and say something stupid again.

I finished dressing, and he was still sitting on the bed with a dumbfounded look on his face. He obviously thought he was getting laid this morning. Too bad.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to the bed, and shot him one last glare before I walked out of the room, and out of the house. I half wished he would come after me, but then decided that half of me was just stupid. I did not need Ryan Blaney in my life.

Once I got outside, I called for an Uber to come and pick me up. I was told it would be about twenty minutes, so to kill time, and to occupy my traitorous mind from wishing he would come after me, I scrolled checked my Instagram, after noticing I had several alerts. Ugh! Fuck my life.

Of course Ryan and I had made it on Instagram again, although this time, it may have been unintentional, or not, as our little make out session in the kitchen ended up in someone's background for their story. Even if it was unintentional, others had caught it and were talking about it, and tagging us in it.

I was annoyed. Not just with Ryan, but with myself. I never slept with guys I didn't like. I even maintained a friendly status with most of my past lovers. I think what annoyed me the most was that I actually started thinking that maybe I was wrong about Ryan.

Why for the first time in my life was I ignoring my gut instinct?

Maybe I was just over analyzing the whole situation. I mean, we had both said it would mean nothing. Right? Of course we did. So I had just had the greatest sex of my life and I was supposed to just forget about it?

Yes I was.

My car had arrived, and I climbed in and gave the driver directions, willing myself to not even look back.

I was done with Ryan Blaney for good.

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