Chapter 7

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Warmed my body to the core just like a blanket
It tasted so sweet then you took my breath away
Hit me so hard like a rock through a window
I knew I was in trouble from the moment I met you, boy

Shoulda just called it like I saw it
Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day
The burn and the sting and the high and the heat
And the left me wanting more feeling when he kissed me
I shoulda just called him whiskey

I wasn't even sure why I was here to be honest. Chase and Courtney had said there was a victory party at Blaney's, and I guess I just didn't feel like going back to their house alone.

As soon as I walked into the room, someone handed me a glass of whiskey. I looked into the grinning face of Bubba Wallace, who already looked several drinks in.

"I distinctly remember you being a whiskey girl." He laughed, his arm wrapped around his girlfriend Amanda's waist.

Amanda grinned at me and rolled her eyes slightly. "We haven't even been here an hour and he's already hammered." She said in a low voice, tinged with amusement.

I mingled for a bit, there were a lot of people I had already met, either from Chase and Courtney's party, or from the track. I also managed, for the most part to avoid the guest of honor. However, it seemed every time I turned around, someone was handing me a drink.

A lot of people had seen the Instagram story, and knew I liked whiskey, so they handed them to me, and I drank. Hell, it was a party so why not?

Chase and Courtney had left about a half hour ago, Chase was drained from the race, but I wasn't ready to leave. I was having a good time, drinking, dancing and meeting more people, so I told them to go ahead, and I would find a ride back to their place later.

I ran into Ryan in the kitchen, as I helped myself to the snacks laid out, knowing I needed something in my stomach to counteract all of the alcohol. I was tipsy, but not completely wasted. He approached me with a friendly, yet slightly drunken smile. "How's it going tiger?" He slurred slightly.

Be nice, you are a guest in his house, I told myself. Show him that you are the bigger person. "Congratulations on the win. That was one hell of a race." I said as nicely as I could manage.

"I guess I'm not the loser you thought I was." He replied.

God he was such an ass. "I never called you a loser Blaney."

"Yeah, but I'm sure you thought it." He said, and once again, I wished I could have wiped the cocky smirk off of his face.

"You have no clue what goes through my head, yet you certainly seem content to live there. Don't flatter yourself, it's not attractive."

I'm not really sure what happened next. One minute, we were being our usual snarky selves, then the next, he was kissing me, and I was kissing him back. His lips were soft and warm, moving against mine, and when mine parted just enough for him to slip his tongue through, I literally went weak in the knees. The breath robbed from my body. His taste was sweet, whiskey with an underlying trace of Body Armor. His scent is intoxicating. Fresh and clean, and so manly, that I inhale as his tongue twists with mine.

I can't help myself as I grip his shirt in my fists, pulling him even closer so our bodies are flush against each other. I slide my fingers through his hair, tugging it slightly as I hold his head closer to me and drink him in.

What the actual fuck?

Like the night of Chase and Courtney's party, I found myself thinking of how I had never been kissed like this by anyone, and it stirred something inside of me. It had to be the alcohol right? I certainly wasn't attracted to him, no matter how hot he was. Definitely the alcohol. That and the fact that he knew how to kiss me senseless and turn my brain into a pile of mush. Rendering me totally incapable of any clear and rational thinking.

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