Chapter 2

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Now the six string dream on a crazy course
Has got my compass losing North
And I need someone to remind me who I am
Yeah, Carolina can
Carolina can

Although I had never met Courtney's boyfriend Chase, and I accidentally called him Chance, I felt as if I knew him just from how much she talked about him. The fact that he was a NASCAR driver didn't really surprise me. Courtney and I had grown up around NASCAR because both of our dads were big fans. I outgrew it, Courtney didn't. I found it very amusing that our dads favorite driver was none other than her boyfriends father.

Chase was even cuter than the pictures Courtney had shown me and posted in Instagram. Tall, well built with dark hair, eyes and skin, and a voice and an accent that could melt butter. He was also a sweetheart, welcoming me to their home with open arms, literally. He told me I was practically family and could stay as long as I needed.

He helped me unload my car, commenting on how little I had, and I had to explain that I had very few personal items due to the fact that I had moved in with Steven and everything in the loft was his except for my clothing, jewelry and a few personal items.

I was exhausted and tense, feeling like a tightly wound rubber band on the verge of snapping. Chase offered me a drink, and I told him to make it a strong one. Courtney was anxious to hear more of my story. Chase offered to give us privacy, but I found I really didn't care. I figured since I was staying in his house, he should at least get to know the emotional wreck he was going to be dealing with.

I was a little hesitant at first about letting my guard down. I had learned through my relationship with Steven to control my emotions, watch my mouth and act like a poised, perfect lady. Eying the contents in my glass, I bit back a smile. Steven would have a fit if he saw me drinking straight whiskey, my second glass of bourbon to be exact. It was not appropriate for a doctors future wife. I could sip champagne or wine, but never drink in excess. Now the whiskey was giving me liquid courage. Uptight, control freak Sam was coming unglued and ready to spill everything.

"Courtney knows somewhat of my former fiancé Steven, but I downplayed just how controlling and delusional he really is. He had had affairs almost from the beginning of our relationship. I don't know why I put up with it, I guess I was just numb. Three years ago, I landed my dream job, PR and marketing for NeuroMedical Center in Baton Rouge. I loved my work, it was what I went to school for. I was doing exactly what I wanted to do and I was given a very nice salary to do it. I was very good at it too."

I drained the contents of my glass, and Chase immediately refilled it. Looks like I was getting drunk tonight.

"Because they are physician owned, it was frowned upon to have one of the doctors romantically involved with an employee, so I chose to seek employment elsewhere. I went to work at a hospital just up the street in administration. I hated it. With a passion. I hated having to tell doctors how to care for their patients. I became disillusioned by the whole healthcare system when I saw just how much it became about making money less about the actual care of patients. I was passed over three times for a position in marketing and PR. After the third time, I snapped. I told them I quit. No notice or anything, I just quit."

"Good for you. Way to stand up for yourself." Courtney said, interrupting me for a moment. I smiled at her, encouraged by her comment.

"After I quit, I got back to the loft I shared with Steven, I thought he wasn't home. I guess you could say I had an epiphany. After taking a long, hard look around, I realized it wasn't just my job that was making me unhappy, it was my whole life in general. I didn't love Steven. He didn't love me. Not really. He was only with me because he needed a piece of arm candy. He told me how to act, how to dress, what I could and couldn't do. Our sexual life was extremely unsatisfying, and he didn't care because he was getting it on the side."

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