Chapter 29

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There's a worn-out track on a jukebox
An old Keith Whitley song
You spun me around that old dance floor
All night long
And a rope burn on an old oak tree
Hangin' high over Miller Creek
Lord, I was scared to death
But boy, you could talk me into anything
Yeah, you could

Ryan's POV

For the last couple of days, I had been feeling uneasy in my relationship with Sam. Ever since she made that comment about not wanting kids. I knew she and I needed to talk about it. I loved her, but I don't see how we could possibly have a future together if she was opposed to children. I had sort of been keeping her at arms length because I didn't know how to approach the topic with her, but I didn't want to do it here, I planned on talking about it with her when we got home.

Nearly every thought of that pending conversation left my head when I saw her. Breathtakingly beautiful, sexy as sin. The red dress hugging every luscious curve. Her hair the color of smooth dark chocolate cascading down her back, the striking blue eyes drawing me in like a beacon. I was completely under her spell.

We were having a great time tonight until she saw him. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. How did Sam and Adam Burke know each other?

I was jealous. Extremely jealous.

Adam Burke was the all star third baseman for the Houston Astros. He was hugely instrumental in the Astros World Series title, and was a two time American League MVP. A former standout at LSU and their championship team before joining the majors.

That's when it hit me.

"How do you two know each other?" I asked, as smoothly as I could manage, hoping I was wrong.

"Sam and I dated for a couple of years in college. Talk about a small world." Adam gave a hearty laugh. I glanced at Sam, and her blush was unmistakable. Damn this was awkward as hell.

I was sweating beneath my suit, my tie felt like it was cutting off my airway. I needed a moment to breathe. "I'm going to get a drink, either of y'all want anything?" I asked.

"I'll take another beer." Adam replied.

"I'd love a Crown and coke. Thanks babe." Sam said, looking uncomfortable as hell. I could relate.

As I waited for our drinks, all I could think about was that drunken blowjob Sam had given me in my truck when she mentioned her college boyfriend who was now in the MLB and how she would go down on him before every game because he swore he played better. This was the guy. I was getting a drink for one of her former lovers while they conversed just a few feet away. While waiting, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Still like the whiskey huh. I admit it was strange seeing you holding a champagne glass. Glad to see you haven't changed." Adam laughed, but I couldn't miss the way he looked her up and down, totally checking her out and obviously liking what he saw. My blood was boiling.

"What can I say. You can take the girl out of Louisiana, but you can't take Louisiana out of the girl." She flashed him a dazzling smile. Was she flirting with him?

"So you and Blaney are together?" He asked.

She nodded. "I moved to North Carolina a few months ago. I'm working PR for another NASCAR driver. Ryan and I have been together for a couple of months."

"Wow. What happened to the doctor and the healthcare field? Last I heard you were engaged."

"Yeah. That didn't work out."  She laughed again.

"Did you get rid of all of your social media? I caught up with J.T. last week, and we got to talking about you. I finally found you again on Instagram, but you're private. I sent you a follow request." His statement hung in the air.

"I got all new profiles. Long story, but I'm still going through my notifications." I watched her scroll through her phone for a bit. "I guess I'll accept you." She threw her head back as she laughed.

"Look at you, still miss popularity. You probably have a request from J.T. too. Still the pretty, popular girl. You haven't changed much, except you're even more beautiful." Adam said, and I knew for sure he was hitting on her not just by his words, but by his hand lightly touching her arm. Fuck. I was standing just a few feet away, did he think I couldn't hear what they were saying? Who the hell was this J.T.?

"I haven't thought about J.T. in forever. Those were some crazy times." Now she was back to blushing.

What the hell was taking this bartender so damn long? Based on the conversation going on, Sam had obviously kept in touch with her former lover, or lovers. At least she had before she left Louisiana.

Finally, the bartender set the drinks in front of me. I was about to down the entire glass of whiskey, but I was anxious to get back to Sam and Adam and bust up their little reunion. I was admittedly jealous. She just seemed to bring that out in me, and I knew it wasn't a good thing, but I was seeing red. Whatever awkwardness she may have had initially had faded. She looked way too comfortable with Adam now, because her face was animated and she was laughing.

I handed Sam and Adam their drinks. "Thank you baby." She smiled sweetly at me, and I placed a possessive arm around her waist. What I really wanted to do was tell Adam Burke to back the fuck off, but I managed to keep myself in check.

Several drinks later and way too much small talk with Adam, Sam and I finally returned to our hotel room. I barely had time to shut the door before she was on me, her kiss hot, passionate and fueled by whiskey, which was evidenced by the traces of whiskey on her tongue. She backed me into the room, her lips never leaving mine. The back of my knees hit the sofa, and I sat down, taking her with me.

She didn't stay on my lap long, after breaking off the kiss, she slid down to the floor between my legs, and began unbuckling my belt. Smiling coyly as she eyed me beneath her lashes. She was now working on my zipper, tugging it down and reaching into my underwear when I suddenly got a bad taste in my mouth. I tried to let it go, but the liquor running through my bloodstream wouldn't let me.

"Is this how you used to go down on him? Or did he prefer to stand while he looked down at you on your knees with his cock in your mouth?"

"Really Ryan? You're going to start this now. That was years ago." She signed, rising to her feet and glaring down at me.

"It was just a simple question Sam."

"No it's not. I don't know what is going on with you, but you've been acting weird for days and now you're pissed off because we ran into one of my old boyfriends."

"How many old boyfriends are there? Is J.T. one of them?"

Now she looked uncomfortable, as she looked down, playing with a ring on her finger. "J.T. Harris. He's an old friend. He was LSU's center fielder. He plays for the Rays now." She sounded defensive.

"Did you fuck the entire LSU baseball team?"

"You're drunk and you're being an asshole" she snapped.

Unfortunately, I wasn't done. "Just how many are there Samantha? Did you fuck both Adam and this J.T. at the same time?"

"You can go fuck yourself Ryan. I don't question you or judge you about your past lovers."

This time, I sensed I struck a nerve, but she was wrong about this. "Bullshit. You judged me the moment we met, and don't bother denying it."

"Fine. Maybe I did in the beginning, but I have never called you out on anything, even when I happened to notice all your old girlfriends look a lot like me." She shouted.

She stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Remorse immediately set in. Drunk or not, I knew I fucked up bad this time.

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