Chapter 10

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He's a good time cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
He looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight
You better run for your life

Chase's truck was gone. Good. Courtney's car was still parked in its spot. I had hoped they had left together so no one would have to witness my walk of shame. I couldn't find my panties in Ryan's bedroom, and was too aggravated to look for them, so I just went without. Who knows, he might have a collection of random women's panties. Maybe I could sneak up to my room, and if not shower, at least change. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side. Courtney was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, nibbling on a cinnamon roll, waiting for me to come in.

"You look rough this morning. Did you have a good time?" She asked with a grin.

All I could do was groan. What I really wanted was to go upstairs and stand in a steaming hot shower and wash all traces of Ryan off of me, but I knew Courtney was not going to let me off that easy.

"It was fine." I replied.

"Come on sit down. I want to hear all about you and Ryan." She flashed a wicked grin. I'm sure she had seen the video.

I took a seat next to her on the couch, trying not to grimace and my tight jeans gripped me in all the wrong places, made even more noticeable by my lack of underwear.

"What about Ryan and me?" I asked, trying to act innocent, wanting to see just how much she knew before I spilled all the sordid details.

"You totally hooked up with him didn't you?" Ugh! I could never get anything past her.

"Yes." I said with a sigh.

"What I want to know is how was he?" She turned to face me with an interested grin on her face.

"Courtney!!!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"What? I can't help it. I always wondered." She said sheepishly.

"It was good." I admitted.

Courtney raised an eyebrow. "Alright, it was better than good. Way better." I could feel the flush in my cheeks as I recalled the night before. "Phenomenal." I finally admitted with a sigh.

"You're blushing." Courtney teased with a laugh.

By the time I finished telling her everything, I was not the only one blushing.

"I knew it!" She laughed.

Knew that I had slept with him, or knew that he was good in bed? Probably both, but I wasn't asking.

"It was just one night Courtney. He's still an ass, probably more of an ass than I originally thought."

"You know I love you right?" Courtney said, and I held in a groan because I knew I was about to get some kind of lecture.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "I guess you're going to tell me once again about what a nice guy he is, and that I'm being entirely too hard on him."

"Precisely. Sam, you haven't exactly been the nicest to him either. Have you ever thought that maybe your behavior toward him is provoking his attitude towards you? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret about Ryan. What you see is most definitely not what you get. You think he's cocky, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. He's actually a very humble guy, and he's extremely hard on himself."

"He's obviously a player Courtney. I've seen his Instagram. I see all the girls who just happen to look a lot like me."

"There you go again, seeing what you want to see. You obviously didn't look any further than that because if you did, you would see there is a lot more than meets the eye. Have you noticed the charity work he does? How devoted he is to his family? How much he adores his nephew? His interaction with fans?" She rested her chin on her hand and gave me a pointed look.

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