You got the gas
I got the matches
We gonna turn this town to ashes
Cause they ain't never seen nothing like us
Ain't heard loud till we turn it up
I got the wild
You got the crazy
You know that's why I love you baby
Cause your motor runs just as fast as mine
Pedal to the metal, keep your throttle down all night
And we only get one lifeRyan's POV
"I really like that clock." Sam commented as we awaited pre race ceremonies prior to the start of the Martinsville race. The past few weeks had flown by in a whirlwind. A lucky win at the Roval kept our playoff hopes alive, but here we were, at Martinsville, our last chance to make the championship four. I had never advanced outside the round of eight. We had some solid runs here, but had not gotten a win, and a win was the only thing that would keep us from elimination.
"Yeah. It's a really nice clock." I agreed, although the clock, the trophy for winning the race didn't hold nearly the significance as the real prize, a ticket to the championship four.
"I think it would look great in our living room, and I know just the spot. No pressure, I'm just saying." She grinned.
I nearly choked on my Body Armor. What did she just say?
"What do you mean our living room?
"Welllll, that is if the offer still stands." She drug out the first word, and I could see the twinkle in her baby blue eyes.
"Are you saying you want to move in together? Into my house?" I asked, my heart soaring at the thought.
"If you still want me to...."
"Baby, we are getting married. I've been ready for you to actually move in, I mean it's gonna happen sooner or later." Sam and I still hadn't announced our engagement, although Chase and Courtney knew. It was going to be soon though. I was tired of keeping it a secret and I could sense that she was too. She wore her ring when we were alone, but our in public, she had it on a chain around her neck that was hidden under the collar of her shirt.
"I'm ready. I know that I can move in with you and still maintain my independence. I don't know why I fought it so long to be honest." She laughed. This wasn't the only change Sam had made. Two weeks ago she had informed William and HMS that she would not be returning next season. She was coming to work with me as my PR person. I could not have been more thrilled.
"I'm going to do my best to win you that clock." I vowed. I meant it. I was tired of finishing second here. This would be the perfect housewarming present for Sam.
"I was joking babe. Yeah, the clock is nice, but no pressure." She kissed me softly as the invocation was about to begin. I kept my arm tightly around her waist throughout the anthem, and kissed her again just before climbing into my car.
I was feeling pretty confident. We had run well here in the past, and had a few second place finishes, we could just never close out the deal. We were starting fourth today. A good spot, and we had run good in practice.
We won the first and second stages, picking up some valuable stage points, but I knew we needed to win if we were going to make the championship four. I was starting to get a little anxious, because we had been in the position many times: dominating the race, winning both stages, only have it fall apart in the final third of the race whether it be driver or pit crew error.
The final stop went flawlessly, the crew getting me out of the pits first. It was all up to me.
Final lap
"The only one even close to your lap times is the 9 and he won't get there. Bring it home bud." My spotter Josh said through my earpiece.
"Woooooo!!! Tick tock, my girl gets a clock. Yes!!! Thank you so much guys. Championship four baby."
"Hell of a race Ryan. I'm so proud of you and this entire team." Todd said through the radio.
I collected the checkered flag from the flag man and quickly scanned the crowd, finding a child wearing my shirt to give the flag to and did a short interview at the start finish line. After I got out of the car in victory lane, I'm frantically looking around for Sam as a microphone is shoved in my face. I finally spot her, and notice she's wearing her ring, the diamonds catching the light and sparkling almost as brightly as her smile.
"Ryan, congratulations. What a great victory. It must feel incredible to finally win here after coming in second so many times, and to know that you have a chance to race for a championship in Phoenix. What is going through your mind right now?" Reporter Dave Burns asks.
"Man, I can't even begin to describe it. Like you said, it feels incredible not only to finally get a win here, but to punch our ticket into the championship four. I can't say enough about this team, but I may have had a little extra incentive because before the race, my fiancé mentioned how she really wanted that clock, so what am I supposed to do right?" I grinned, catching Sam's eye and seeing her grin right back.
"Fiancé?" Dave asked, his eyes widened and a grin split his face.
I motioned to Sam to join me. I really wanted to celebrate this moment with her.
"I guess we're making it official. Sam and I got engaged a few weeks ago. I'm so thankful to have her in my life." I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her, as camera flashes went off around us.
"I'm so damn proud of you champ." She whispered in my ear.
I truly felt on top of the world.
Sam's POV
It had been a crazy few months. Ryan ended up finishing second to Chase in the championship battle. If he had to lose to anyone though, I'm glad it was Chase. He was going to have a lot of momentum going into next season.
I was officially moved into to Ryan's house. I also had new occupants in my house, or former house I should say. After my mom and Uncle Randy came for a visit, they decided to make the permanent move to North Carolina so that they could be closer to Courtney and me. Since I had just put my house up for sale, and had yet to get a buyer, they jumped on it. It was a bit of a downsize for my mom, but she admitted she had trouble keeping up with such a large property, and this was perfect for her and Randy.
We took a well deserved vacation, Ryan and myself, Courtney and Chase and Bubba and Amanda. Ten glorious days in the Virgin Islands. Two weeks after returning, we celebrated Courtney and Chase's much anticipated wedding and made plans for my wedding. Ryan and I decided we did not want to wait a whole year for the next offseason, so we planned it for July when the NASCAR season had a two week break. I was so ready to spend my life with this man.
A/N: This is the last chapter. Sorry updates have been so slow, but I've been struggling with inspiration. Look for the epilogue to be posted either this week or the next.

Run Wild Horses
Fiksi PenggemarSamantha McCoy has had it with her life. A split second decision has her running, leaving everything she has ever known behind: Her hometown, a prominent job and a repressing relationship, all to chase a dream she never even realized she had. Hoping...