Chapter 15

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I've been a walking heartache
I've made a mess of me
The person that I've been lately
Ain't who I wanna be
But you stay here right beside me
Watch as the storm goes through
And I need you

I chickened out with Ryan. All of the excuses I came up with in my head that sounded so good didn't really sound so good anymore. I was lying to myself. I should have sucked it up and told him the truth when he called, but I didn't. He was right about me when he said I was running and hiding from someone. At the time I thought it was Steven, but now I know it's him.

Over the next couple of weeks, we didn't have much interaction. He was busy, I was busy. I saw him out in town one day with an attractive redhead in a suit and briefcase. Maybe he had taken my advice and started looking at a different type of woman. Good for him. I guess. I saw him at the track with a pretty brunette and the cutest little blonde haired toddler boy. I swear my ovaries exploded seeing him with the little boy, and it shook me. I didn't even like kids. I was never one to get all gushy over babies. Puppies yes, but not kids. I wondered who she was, but I wouldn't dare ask. As I suspected, Ryan was not into me. He was seeing other women. I just needed to forget about him.

We were polite when we did see each other, I guess our truce from the night of Courtney's birthday party was intact. We didn't talk about that night though. It was awkward for me, and probably awkward for him as well.

I got some exciting news though. I was informed that Michelle was not returning as William's PR. They offered me the job permanently, and I happily accepted.

I couldn't deny I missed Ryan though. I even missed our bickering. I don't know if he was avoiding me on purpose, or if he really was that busy. I just didn't know what to say to him. My feelings that I tried to deny were not going away, but he just didn't seem interested.


It was the pain that woke me up. Intense throbbing, burning pain. My entire right foot felt like someone had set fire to it. It was then that I realized that my entire body was aching. I had chills. I was nauseous. I overall felt like shit.

I threw off the blanket. What the hell? My entire right foot was swollen nearly twice it's size. My pretty little fleur de lis tattoo was stretched and distorted looking. The top of my foot was bright red, almost as if it had been scalded. Upon closer inspection, there was an even brighter red circle on the top with a tiny white dot in the center. Something bad had bit me. Spider maybe? I tentatively touched it, and it was hot to the touch. Whatever it was, it was infected, and I knew there was no way around it. I needed to go to the emergency room.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and tried to stand, but hot tears burned behind my eyes. My vision went hazy and a wave of dizziness washed over me. I felt myself falling to the floor, but I couldn't stop myself. I crashed down into the floor, landing on my already jacked up foot, and I swear I felt a pop. I managed to make a bad situation even worse. No doubt I needed to go to the hospital, but there was no way I could drive myself.

I called Courtney, and it went straight to voicemail. Same with Chase. Fuck. I really didn't think calling an ambulance was necessary. I thought about William or Erin, but then I remembered they were spending the day at the lake. There was only one other person I could call. Gritting my teeth, partly from the pain, partly from I just didn't want to do this.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Ryan, it's Sam. I'm sorry to bother you. Are you busy right now?" I asked hesitantly.

"No. Why? What's wrong?"

"Something bit me. It looks really bad, feels even worse. Then I kind of fell on it. I just feel really sick right now. I think I need to go to the emergency room, but I can't drive myself. I tried Courtney and Chase, but they're not picking up." I was on the verge of panic right now.

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