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The next day Liv and I spent visiting famous places: the empire state building, the chrysler building, rockefeller plaza, the statue of liberty and central Park. We got lunch at a small café and took it to Central Park to have a miny picnic.

"Liv? Can I ask you something?" I asked as I stuffed the final bit of my sandwich into my mouth. I'd been putting it off all day asking her because we were having a girls day but I had to get it out.

"Sure Lil, what's up?" she placed her salad on the ground gently and put her full attention on me.

I took a deep breath, "I like Niall. But I've known him for one day. But when you like someone you should follow your heart right?"

The question sounded stupid but I had to ask her. I knew she wouldn't judge me but what I didn't know is what her answer would be.

"Lily, you know I will support you in anything you choose to do. Whether you decide to become a stripper or you end up working in McDonald's it doesn't matter. This is exactly the same. If you genuinely like him or if you just think you'll get a nice gucci handbag from him, do what will make you happy," she tells me.

"Hey! You know I'd never only date someone for their money!" I say to her angrily.

"I know silly, it was an example. My point is, yes. You should follow your heart. I know it sounds cringe but if it's the right thing for you then you need to. Don't let anything hold you back!" she said while picking up her salad and starting to eat it again.

"Thanks Liv," I said. She gave the best advice anyone could ever need and she didn't even know it.


We spent the rest of the day walking around the city and looking in shop windows at clothes that were way to expensive for us. We even got in a taxi and made it drive across Brooklyn Bridge. We laughed for a good 10 minutes when a boy called Jake from our year 12 class rang Liv by accident and started talking dirty to her on the phone because he thought she was someone else.

We arrived back at the hotel just as the sun was going down. Liv pulled the key out her bag and unlocked the door. She flopped straight on the bed and let out a loud groan. I laughed at her and she returned it with the finger.

I slipped my shoes off and noticed a small white square on the floor by the door. I immediately realised it was paper and picked it up. In unfamiliar writing, Lily was written one side. I unfolded the piece of paper to reveal a very short note.

I can't stop thinking about u.
Call me 06745 894266.
From Niall

I stared at the writing for a few minutes debating whether to call him. Liv was fast asleep, knocked out even. Her words played over in my head and before I knew it, I'd grabbed my phone from my bag and stepped out into the hallway so I didn't wake Liv. My fingers dialed the number and I prayed this wasn't a prank. Suddenly the call sound stopped and a muffled voice of an Irish man spoke.

"Hello?" Niall said and my heart began to race that it was him who had put the note under my door.

Black And White : A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now