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"Niall hey, it's Lily" I said quietly to make sure I didn't wake my dad and Carol up.

"Oh hey Lily, what's up?" he said in a surprised voice. I felt a strange feeling, as if I'd interrupted something.

"Nothing really. I kind of just wanted to talk. I know back in New York it didn't exactly work out but I miss talking to you. Its alright if you don't want to though," I started to get nervous and stressed. My palms began to sweat. I laid down on my bean bag and tried to relax a little. Evie walked up the bean bag and sat in a ball next to my head. I smiled at her.

"No, no I want to talk to you," he said.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course I do. I'll apologise now though because I'm pretty bad at talking over the phone."

"You could always come over," I said without thinking. I clapped my hand to my mouth as soon as the words came out, "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I did not think that would come out. That's so irresponsible of me!"

Niall laughed from the other end of the phone, "Don't be sorry, it's fine."

I heard the faint sound of an engine starting and I sat up on the bean bag.

"Wait Niall are you getting in your car?" I asked with a worried voice.

"Yes I am. See you in 10 minutes." he said and hung up.

I jumped up from my seat and looked at my room. There were clothes everywhere, dirty glasses and plates, my bed was a mess, even my bin was over flowing. I began clearing straight away, trying to be as quiet as possible.

My door swung open and Tyler stood in the doorway.

"Lily where's the bottle opener?" he asked. There was a beer in his hand. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw it but I couldn't be bothered to fight with him.

"I don't know, find it yourself," I snapped at him and carried on chucking clothes in my wardrobe, not caring if they were clean or not.

"Oh c'mon you must know," he moaned.

"No I don't. Now go away!" I hissed. I wanted to yell at him more than anything but I knew it would wake my dad.

"OK ok I'm going," he said and walked away from my door slowly.

I made my bed, emptied my bin into the bigger one downstairs, shorted our my dressing table slightly. My window faced the front of our house and I saw Niall's silver mercedes pull up outside just as I put my last mascara into a draw. I quickly threw a couple of t-shirts on my floor just to make it look more normal and not completely spotless. One landed on Evie's head and I laughed as she pulled it off her head.

I ran as quietly as I could down the stairs to make sure I reached the door before Tyler but he was already there. He was stood in the doorway, blocking Nialls entrance.

"Now even though you are a celebrity I still must ask you, are you planning on banging my sister tonight or just going to be casually making out with her on her bed?" he said and took a sip of his beer attempting to look intimidating.

"Tyler! What the hell?!" I cut in before Niall could say anything, "He's just a friend for gods sake. Now get lost before I smash that beer over your head!"

He held his hands up as if to say alright, calm down and walked back to the living room with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry about that, you can come in now," I said and moved aside so Niall could come in. It was weird seeing him in my house.

"I didn't know you had a brother," he said. He was clearly trying hard to start a conversation and I tried my best to help.

"Oh, he's my step brother. My dad and his mum got married when I was 8 and I've been living with him ever since," I explained to Niall.

"Oh right," is all he said.

"I would offer to sit in the living room but Tyler is in there. We can go to my room though," I say.

"Yeah sure, that'd be good," Niall replies.

"When we go upstairs could you try and be as quiet as possible because my dad and step mum are asleep and they're both very light sleepers," I say to Niall just before I start going up stairs.

"OK, I'll try," he whispers.

Black And White : A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now