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I didn't get far before I pulled over in a laybuy and turned the engine off. It was then that I could finally let out my cries of hurt and heartbreak. My head leant against the steering wheel and I thought the pain would never go away. I thought the tears would never stop but after a while they did.

Eventually I couldn't cry anymore. My body was drained of all its tears.

I reached into my backpack that sat on the seat beside me and pulled out my phone. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve even though there were no tears as I opened up my contacts and scrolled down to Niall's. I clicked on it and looked at the picture of him in the small circle. It was me and him, layed on my bed. We both had huge smiles on our faces. My head was rested on his chest along with my spare hand. I remeber accidentally taking the picture. I had been laughing so much at what he'd said a few moments before that my finger had accidentally opened up the camera app. Surprisingly, it was an incredibly good photo.

I shook my head and clicked on the small edit button in the top corner of my screen. I scrolled down to the bottem quickly and pressed delete contact before I backed out. A single tear escaped my eye and I let it slide down my face and fall onto my phone.

I wiped the splashes of my tear off my phone screen and went onto my notes. I found the one with all the important addresses of people in. My dad had made fun of me for keeping addresses but I was glad in that moment that I did. I found my grandma's and put it into the satnav in the car.

The annoying voice of the satnav man spoke, "Your destination is 4 hours and 36 minutes away." I sighed and started the engine, following the directions given to me by the satnav man.


I arrived at my grandma's bungalow at 00:42 the next day. During the journey to my grandma's I'd cried, cried, cried and cried some more. I had to stop a few times to calm myself down and stop myself crying.

All the lights were off in the bungalow when I pulled into the drive parking my dad's black truck car next to my grandma's pink mini. It was always crystal clean, no matter what. I switched the engine of the truck off and stepped out. I had slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked up to the front door. Her outside light flickered on as I knocked on the front door loudly. My grandma was a very heavy sleeper so in had to knock a good number of times before she opened the door dressed in here yellow, button up pyjamas, fluffy blue slippers and her green sleep mask pushed up onto her forehead.

Her eyes opened fully when she saw me and my tear stained cheeks.

"Lily, what are you doing here. Its the middle of the night," she said. She wasn't angry at me, just worried. I would be too if I was her.

"I'm sorry. It's just..." I couldn't finish my sentence without completely breaking down right infront of her. So much for not being able to cry anymore.

"Come here," she said. I could hear the pain in her voice that she held for me. I walked into her open arms and hugged her tightly. My body shook with each sob and she didn't pull away until I did.

"Come inside lovely and I'll make you some tea," she said in a hushed voice. I knew she didn't want to wake her neighbours so I nodded and followed her into her warm living room that I'd always loved so much.

I lay down on her cream sofa feeling exhausted from all the crying. My eyes shut and I was to tired to try and keep them open so I let myself fall asleep with the familier smell of my grandma's special tea coming from the kitchen.

Black And White : A Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now