rivalry - Draco Malfoy

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.

Summary; ' I request one Draco Malfoy. Do with this what you will - 💕 '

Warnings; swearing, angst!

Word Count; 1k


You flip the page in the textbook, biting your lip as you tilt your head to see the material better. You've got such a small space to work in, you have to read all of this and also take notes on the most important stuff. Doesn't leave a lot of arm room after.

And it doesn't help that a certain dickhead is also two inches from you. His elbow bumps into your pencil every now and then, messing up what you're writing, and since you're using ink--it leaves a clear line right down the middle of the page. Not to mention all the times he leans back.

You send a glare to the back of his head even though he hasn't done anything in a couple of minutes. But you've promised yourself that the next time he even comes close, you're shoving him off the stool and facing Snape's repercussions regardless.

You have no clue if he's even doing it on purpose at this point.

He can't be that ignorant of his surroundings, right? He has to know that you're literally right behind him, trying to study so you don't fail the quiz next week. And he also has to know that his elbow is mere inches from your hand.

If only you could scoot over any further.

Taking a deep breath, you try to resume what you were doing before your mind wandered. You read a line in the textbook, decide that's note-worthy, and then you dip the quill into the ink. You turn your body to repeat the information you just read onto the paper.

And so fast that you can't even catch it, his entire body jerks back. He manages to miss the quill but the ink is gone, seeping between the cracks of the table. You jump up from where you're sitting, looking down at your skirt with hopes that the ink didn't make it. But it's too late.

Your skirt is stained with black splotches. You look up--hoping that Snape had caught this. He didn't, he's hovering over someone else, telling them what they did wrong when it came to their potion.

You look back to Draco, and past him a bit to see Blaise. Both of them are completely oblivious to what they just did. And looking at the sleeves on Draco's uniform, the ink hadn't touched him one bit.

This is going to cost a fortune. To clean the uniform, buy more ink, a new quill, replace the textbook and all your notes are gone.

Before you can catch yourself, you've closed the notebook and swung it at the back of Draco's head with as much force as you can manage.

He yelps a complaint, nearly tripping over the stool when he gets off of it.

You've definitely caught their attention now.

Draco opens his mouth, but you're already motioning to the ruined materials, "You just spilled ink all over me and you're not even going to apologize?"

You flip open the notebook next, showing him the ink-soaked pages, "This had all of my notes, Malfoy! My uniform is ruined--and so is everything else on the table."

"And that's my fault because?" he asks, "You're the one that was taking up all the room. I could hardly talk to Blaise."

"There's a five foot gap between you and Blaise!" You argue, "I could get Professor Flitwick to lay down in that gap! And even then, there'd still be room!" then, you motion to your small workplace, "This is all you left me."

Draco doesn't say anything else, because there's a smile coming over his face. His eyes are directed to someone above you, and you don't even have to take a guess to know who it is. So, you turn calmly and offer Snape your best smile.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Draco just spilled ink all over me, Professor." you move aside, "And I'm afraid that's ruined my notes too."

Again, you hold up the notebook for him to see. Snape doesn't say anything just yet, as he looks over you, the notebook, then the textbook, the knocked over ink bottle, and the now very stained table.

"Clean up your mess, and then you may leave." Snape says, and because he doesn't disappoint either, his eyes land on Draco, "Detention for a week, Mister Malfoy."

"Thank you." you say, waiting for him to leave.

Then, you shoot Draco the nastiest smile you can muster.

"You think you're so clever--"

"No." you shut him down, snapping the textbook shut, "I'm not doing this."

You place the ink back onto its bottom, place the textbook upright so it can dry on a shelf, as well as your notebook too. You grab the rag that Snape has for you, and while you're dabbing up the ink, you watch Draco carefully out of the corner of your eye.

He's clearly pissed, and you can't help but to be smug about it the entire time. As soon as your seating area is clear, you go back over one final time to grab your things.

You've already won this battle against him, so why not bother him a little more? "And Draco?"

He glares at you.

"Feel free to make your father pay for a whole new uniform. It's the least you can do if you're not going to apologize." you throw your bag over your shoulder after that, leaving the classroom.

You're only a couple of steps out and into the hallway, when you hear your name called. With raised eyebrows, you stop and turn your body halfway to see who it is.

It's Draco, "What's your size?"

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