•≫────≪•◦ Introduction ◦•≫────≪•

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Your Name - Y/N

Your Last Name - L/N

Age: 19 Years Old ( 2 years younger than Tomioka )

Pillar: Ice Pillar

Eye Color - E/C

Hair length - H/L

Hair Color - H/C

Her Outfit/Uniform - White Kimono with dark blue flower at the bottom

Her Outfit/Uniform - White Kimono with dark blue flower at the bottom

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( Something like this )

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-漫~*'¨ Breath Style ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── Ice Breathing ──━━ ≪

-漫~*'¨  First Form  ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Ice Pillars' ──━━ ≪

The user visualizes ice pillars shooting out of the ground while running toward the enemy, the user slashes through the enemy as the pillars break down into bits of hail..

-漫~*'¨ Second Form ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Beautiful Snow Of The Winter Forest' ──━━ ≪

The user jumps into the air while a trail of hail comes out of their sword, they then proceed to cut the demons head off, giving them a slow calm death while snow falls over them.

-漫~*'¨ Third Form  ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Ice Compulsion' ──━━ ≪

The user gets into a stance and runs toward the enemy while jumping, then they move with the flow of a dragon as they cut through the enemy.

-漫~*'¨ Fourth Form¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Frozen Tidal Wave' ──━━ ≪

The user makes a tidal wave out of ice and starts cutting into pieces, then cutting through the enemy.

-漫~*'¨Fifth Form  ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Arctic Hail' ──━━ ≪

The user jumps high into the sky and starts making slashes go down.

-漫~*'¨  Sixth Form  ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Ice Skating Slash' ──━━ ≪

The user has special shoes that work like ice skates on anything, they slide all over the place distracting the enemy, then they proceed to cut through them..

-漫~*'¨ Seventh Form  ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Köri Ha' ──━━ ≪

The user visualizes that their sword has turned completely into Ice and them and their ice sword are able to fight for 20 Minutes.

-漫~*'¨ Eighth Form¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Ice Arrow' ──━━ ≪

The user has Nichirin Bows and Arrows that they always keep with them, they visualize the arrow turning into ice and they have ti charge it up for 5 Minutes, once its done the user shoots the icy arrow toward the opponent, (most likely a demon) penetrating their necks.

-漫~*'¨  Ninth Form ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Frozen Storm' ──━━ ≪

They spin around as it appears that they have become a storm then then cut the enemy.

-漫~*'¨  Tenth Form ¨'*·~漫-

≫ ━━── 'Frozen Haze' ──━━ ≪

A Cold mist appears around the user as they close their eyes, in this is supposed to use as a counter similar to dead calm, the mist surrounds the enemy(s) and the user as in the visual glaciers appear from the ground, making the enemy's fear realize they cant move at all every step Ice makes is as quiet as a snowflake falling into snow, he has cancelled the opponents attack and can attack the opponent back

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𝗣𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 ( Giyuu x Reader x Sabito )Where stories live. Discover now