21 | stop being a smartass

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"Let's get out of here before the cops come," Diego said, turning away with Klaus and Luther following him.

"In a minute," Five sighed.

Y/N crossed her arms, watching as Five bent down and took something out of his pocket. She inhaled sharply when she recognized the prosthetic eye. Sitting next to Five, she carefully removed Harold's eye cover.

"What are you—" Diego started, only to interrupt himself with a gag as he turned away. Five had pushed the prosthetic eye into Harold's empty eye socket, and both he and Y/N gasped when it fit perfectly.

"Ugh, wow," Klaus grimaced, scrunching his nose.

"Same eye color, same pupil size. Guys, this is it," Five said. "The eye I've been carrying around for decades, it—it's found its rightful home."

Y/N sniffed and stood up, averting her eyes away from the body to stare at Five. "Well...that's all, isn't it?"

Five peered at her, then back at Jenkins, extracting the eye.

"Oh, you're gonna keep it," Y/N pinched her nose.

"We've got the guy who started the apocalypse," Diego whispered.

"Yay! Let's go," Klaus said, turning to leave.

Diego grabbed his shirt. "Wait, wait. It can't be that easy," Five said, staring at the three people in front of him.

"But it was," Y/N groaned.

Five ignored her and bent down next to Diego. "Look, this is the note I got from the commission. The one that says, 'protect Harold Jenkins,' a.k.a. Leonard Peabody."

Y/N frowned, seeing where the conversation was going as Five droned on.

"But who killed him? Who did this?" Five continued, gesturing to the body.

"Maybe it was Hazel, or Cha-Cha," Y/N stammered, trying to find a good excuse to shut down Five's investigating. "Perhaps they decided to turn on the Commission, after getting that order."

"What? That doesn't make sense on many levels, Y/N," Five snapped. "Was there anything else that happened that night? Anything you're not telling me?"

"Y/N might not remember," Diego stepped in, shielding Y/N from Five's withering glare. "Grace told me she suffered a slight concussion."

"Great! It's only been a few days and suddenly, I'm Finding Dory," Y/N huffed, rubbing her arms.

"I have a crazy idea," Klaus chimed in. "Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya..."

Five rolled his eyes, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder and whisking them both away from the conversation. They reappeared in one of the halls of the academy, and Y/N yelped in alarm when she came face-to-face with an uncanny painting of a screaming man.

"Five! Give me a warning next time! Holy hell-"



"Just...be quiet for a minute. I need to think," Five snapped, turning away from her as he paced the room, resting his chin in his hands as he pondered.

Y/N crossed her arms her expression softening as she took a deep breath. "If you wanted me to be quiet, why bring me along?"

Five stopped pacing and whipped around to face her, trying to hide the part of him that didn't know how to answer the question. However, being the pragmatist he was, he quickly reset himself as he raised an eyebrow. "Something isn't right, okay? And the only way I can figure out what's wrong is if you tell me everything that happened last night in the cabin."

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